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5 Model Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your model resume must highlight your experience and versatility in the industry. It's your visual career biography, so be precise and professional. Ensure you detail your measurements and physical attributes accurately – agencies rely on this data. Also, include a portfolio of your best work to demonstrate your range.

All resume examples in this guide

Remember the good old days of Fashion TV? You would sit and watch as models fluttered in haute couture, thinking…

I wish I were one of them right now.

Although Fashion TV is no more, the dream remained. And with the years many other types of modeling were created.

There are commercial and plus-sized models. Mature models, too.

The industry no longer limits models to a strict set of rules about their appearance. Maybe excluding high-fashion shows.

You know you have what it takes to strut your stuff. But do you know how to create a model resume to win you auditions?

"Employment of models is projected to grow 11 percent from 2020 to 2030, faster than the average for all occupations. About 500 openings for models are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or exit the labor force, such as to retire."

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

To set yourself up for success, you will need both an outstanding attitude and stellar resume.

The market for new models is continuously growing.

So you bet the competition out there is tough. Because for every job opening, there are thousands of applicants. Ready to fill the position.

Are you ready?

Here is What Will Our Advice-filled Guide Teach You

  • What should your modeling portfolio modeling portfolio include
  • What modeling scouts are looking for in a candidate
  • Whether it’s better to have an online or a paper portfolio
  • Which resume format is best for you and why
  • How to structure your resume so that it leaves a lasting impression
  • Other sections to add to your model resume to make it pop

How to capture the attention of modeling scouts with your resume

There’s only one way to do this. You will have to make sure your modeling portfolio bundle is impeccable.

But what does this bundle consist of? It’s comprised of three parts:

  • A model resume
  • A portfolio
  • A comp card

We’ll tackle the first one in this guide. But before that, let’s briefly look at the other two.

The modeling portfolio is essentially a catalog of your past work. It’s the visual representation of your resume. It shows everything - from your versatile skills to brands you’ve worked with.

It’s best if you prepare two portfolios - one digital and one in print.


The print version is for you to bring to castings. If a scout finds your model resume intriguing, they’ll want to see your work.

By contrast, if you’ve sent your resume over the internet, it’s good to have an online portfolio.

This one allows for more versatility.

You can display more recent work and list agencies which have represented you in the past. That way, scouts will know who to contact in case they want to book you for a gig.

Or hire you for an international shoot.

What’s more, we live in a digital age. Scouts may wish to have models’ portfolios at hand. Especially when discussing future projects with clients.

Next on the list is the comp card.

What is this?

The name stands for composite card. It’s the size of a slightly bigger postcard with your photos on both sides.

On one side you have your headshot. On the other - a collage with your best photos. Make sure you show different sides of your modeling. Just like with the portfolio.

And remember to keep a nice flow between the pictures.

Finally, there’s your resume.

The best format to use for a model resume is the reverse-chronological format.


Because as its name suggests, your resume will start with your biggest accomplishments. And by the end, it will prove how much you’ve grown during your career.

This resume layout displays your career path and development as a professional.

What about those with little to no experience? There are other resume formats which can benefit you.

If you’re an aspiring model, the functional layout is your best option. Because it gives you the opportunity to describe related talents.

And if you’re switching careers, you can always use the hybrid resume. This one offers enough space to share your employment history. As well as any transferable skills.

Who says you can’t be a model, if you haven’t got the experience?

Regardless of the format, you need several key sections on your resume. Here is how to divide it:

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Top sections to have on your model resume:

  • A header box to provide your and your agent’s contact details
  • A resume summary or objective to amaze scouts with your achievements
  • An experience section to show proof you are the perfect candidate for the job
  • A skills box to boast about your many hard and soft talents
  • An education and certifications segment to certify your skills are up to par
  • Other sections and resources you can add to your resume

Straightforward, isn’t it?

Now, all you need to do is to fill in your professional accomplishments.

What do you have to keep in mind? Well, focus on the following points:

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What do modeling scouts want to see in your resume?

  • Do you have experience shooting similar projects? Are you comfortable with the project?
  • How flexible is your schedule?
  • Do you have stamina and endurance? Can you stand for long periods of time? What about hiking or underwater shoots?
  • Do you have any acting or dancing experience?
  • Are you a team player?
  • What is your attitude?
  • Do you take direction well? Do you require too much supervision?
  • Are you punctual? Can you guarantee you will always be on time?
  • How do you prepare for upcoming shoots?
  • Can you demonstrate versatility and range?
  • Do you work well under pressure?

Ultimately, the modeling bundle has one goal. It must provide a cohesive story about your career so far.

Each item must:

  • Support the other parts in the bundle
  • Able to work as a compelling stand-alone document

Once you hook modeling scouts with any of these pieces, you’ve got your foot in the door. They will want to learn more about you. And when the time comes, you’ll be ready.

While all this seems simple enough, it is no easy feat by any means.

What should the header section of your model resume include?

Let’s start from the top - the resume header. This little box sits at the top of your resume and holds basic information about:

  • Your name and job title
  • Your phone number
  • Your Agency’s name and address
  • The name of your representative
  • Small headshot-type photo
  • Link to your online portfolio

Think of this as the text version of the comp card. While the card shows your photos, the header provides your contact information.

You may have seen resumes in which models also include their pronouns. This one is optional and you can leave your pronouns out, if you don’t want to use them.

But in cases where a project demands a bigger LGBTQIA+ representation, adding them can be a bonus.

2 model resume header examples

Take a look at this sample header. Do you spot any errors?

Kaiden Cochran

It definitely doesn’t look promising. Notice how there is no:

  • Photo of the candidate
  • Contact information - neither the applicant’s, nor the agent’s.
  • Further information about the individual’s other talents

Why is the headshot so important?

This is the best way to show what you look like if:

  • You’re sending your resume online and can’t provide a comp card
  • The modeling scout doesn’t have the time to sift through your portfolio

And if you can convey your experience and professionalism through your photo, you’ve got the job.

Consider a different version of the above header:

Kaiden Cochran
Model and Contemporary Dance Performer
+1-332-555-5555 (your number)
+1-332-555-5555 (your agent's number)
Name of your agency, Manhattan, NY

Much, much better!

Now modeling scouts know that you can:

  • Be reached via your phone or through your agent
  • You’re a dance performer, which can land you art modeling and runway jobs
  • The type of work you already do based on your agency’s name

Look at how many pieces of information you can gather just from the header!

Don’t underestimate the potential of this resume section. And if you supplement it with a great resume summary, expect callbacks.

How to incite model scouts to keep reading with a stellar resume summary

Speaking of resume summaries, what are those?

The summary is a very important piece of real estate on your resume. There are two kinds:

It’s, in effect, a short introduction to your career. It should be between 3-5 sentences and consist of:

  • Years of experience
  • Your physical measurements - bust/waist/hips size, including height and weight.
  • The type of modeling you’ve done so far - runway, commercial, brand promotions, music videos, print/media, etc.
  • Your biggest achievements
  • Famous brands, designers, stylists and photographers you’ve worked with
  • Skills and reputation
  • Social media following, if necessary
  • A unique feature of yours if required by the job ad

If you don’t want to disclose your exact measurements - substitute with HWP.

But keep in mind that the abbreviation doesn’t work for every modeling job ad. If you’re targeting high-fashion positions, your resume will be discarded immediately.

Listing celebrity designers and luxury brands serves two purposes:

  • You highlight which industry professionals trust you
  • You inform scouts if there's any conflict of interest. For example, whether you're representing a competitor.

With all this in mind, here are two sample summaries to illustrate these points.

2 modeling resume summary examples

Experienced model, seeking to bring value to high fashion brands. Skilled in stage presence, runway walk and taking direction.

Sounds very bland and uninspired, doesn’t it?

This summary won’t catch the attention of anyone, let alone modeling scouts.


Because it doesn’t say anything valuable. Although the word value is right there in the first sentence.

A model has to look good, yes, but your main job is to sell. Whether it’s a piece of clothing or a perfume, the focus is on the product.

That’s why your resume summary should both:

  • List your accomplishments
  • Tell how your work will benefit the project owner

Even if you haven’t done modeling before, mention your transferable skills. Have you done theater? Then you’re aware of how to move your body to evoke certain feelings.

Have you worked as a marketing specialist before? Then, you know how to sell.

Now, have a look at the same summary, only composed differently:

Multi-skilled model and contemporary dance performer with 6 years of experience. 33/24/33, 5'9'', 124 lbs. Walked the runway for Chanel and Dior for New York and Tokyo Fashion Week. Modeled for more than 27 high fashion brands and designers. Chosen as a brand face for Mugler in 2018.

This model will certainly get a few callbacks!

How to Wow Scouts with the Experience Experience Section of Your Modeling Resume

Many aspiring models dread this section. They believe they lack the experience to beat the veterans.

What if I told you it all depends on how you frame it? Yes, regardless of your experience.

Аs long as you:

  • Stay truthful in your accounts
  • Describe the value of the work you do

…you’re on the right path!

The experience section in a modeling resume isn’t that different from any other resume. It should include:

  • The name of your previous employer or agency
  • Dates of employment
  • A short, but informative, description of your past place of employment
  • A link to a company website
  • Your experience

When talking about your past work, list no more than four bullet points per job entry. Be specific and lead with results.

If you have modeling experience and don’t have an online portfolio yet, add a link to your agency’s website.

I get it, building a good portfolio takes time and, sometimes, a lot of money. That’s why this is a good workaround.

Usually, whenever a new model gets hired, agencies create a small portfolio of their work. It may only be a sample of what you do, but it’s better than not referencing any photos at all.

Well, it’s time to see all this in practice.

2 Model Resume Experience Examples

Review the following sample and see if anything can be improved?

Alisha Watts
Fresh Talents Agency
A NYC-based agency.
  • brand representative
  • represented clothing brands
  • participated in commercials

The most striking aspect of this job entry is the lack of enthusiasm. In the company description, as well as the bullet points.

Like I stated before, don’t attach your experience as a to-do list. Emphasize the outcome of your work.

Also, models do not only represent certain products, but their agencies too. Not giving proper respect to your agency is unprofessional.

Take a look at the edited draft of the above entry:

Alisha Watts
Model and Brand Representative
Fresh Talents Agency
Manhattan, NY
A NYC-based agency, setting trends in the high-fashion and commercial modeling industries.
  • Became brand representative for three luxury fashion brands within the first year of employment.
  • Successfully represented 23+ designer clothing and footwear brands.
  • Won over 38 new clients for the agency after filming over 50 commercials for designer perfumes and luxury clothing brands.
  • Mentored 17 aspiring models for the New York Fashion Week for three consecutive years.

This one strikes differently, doesn’t it?

Note how the applicant has hinted at the type of modeling work the agency provides. All in the description section. This is a good method to leave some space in the bullet points area.


To include more of your professional achievements, of course!

If you need more tips, read our article on crafting the perfect resume experience section.

Which modeling skills are in vogue for 2022?

Next on the resume list is the talent section. Many outside the industry consider modeling a job with no skill requirements.

But they couldn’t be further from the truth. And this means you may fall into the trap of overcrowding your resume.


By listing too many and unrelated abilities. Or highlighting the wrong ones. Or not balancing your soft and hard skills.

That’s a few good rules of thumb to follow are:

  • Mention only talents related to the specific job ad
  • Don’t include skills you can’t back up with proof
  • Rank your abilities in order of importance and list no more than 10
  • Add equal parts soft and hard skills

How to list smizing and other tech talents on your model resume

Let’s tackle the hard skills first. Don’t worry if you haven’t modeled yet.

Remember when we talked about transferable skills? What you lack in experience, you can make up with transferable talents. This is where they come in full play.

Many jobs have overlapping requirements. Just remember, always lead with data. After all, you must display how you would provide value to your future employer.

And if you’re still learning posing techniques in class, definitely list them on your resume.

This way you show you’re not relying on what you know so far. You’re continuously developing your skill set.

In the meantime, examine the list of key tech skills for models down below. See if any of them match your talents and add them to your resume.

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Trending hard skills for fashion models in 2022:

  • Photoshoot prep
  • Catwalk
  • Posing techniques
  • Dancing skills
  • Stage presence
  • Ability to work with props
  • Presenting
  • Personal hygiene
  • Runway turn
  • Pivot turn
  • Fashion and editorial shoots
  • Product promotion
  • Time management skills
  • Organizational skills
  • Stamina
  • Physical fitness
  • Endurance
  • Acting skills
  • Theater performance skills
  • Discipline
  • Personal styling
  • Beautician skills
  • Mentoring skills
  • Body language
  • Memorizing lines (for commercials)
  • Client engagement
  • Networking
  • Yoga
  • Pilates

How to Make Your Soft Skills Pop on Your Model Resume

Generally, social abilities are much harder to assess.


Because they can’t be directly linked to measurable outcomes.

It’s easier to say how many people you’ve wowed with your pivot turns. You can see the reaction on their faces straight away.

But how would you list being an easy-going person on your resume? How do you adequately measure this?

Check out the following examples:

Interpersonal skills
Chosen to represent Bevza at the New York Fashion Week 2022 among 250 candidates, following a meeting with the designer and her team.
Became the most requested catwalk model after being commended for my professionalism, punctuality and show prep.
Acquired a Cosmetology Degree, which I later used when helping MUAs and hair stylists during fashion shows.

Pay attention to how each entry begins with an action word and a result. The aim is to immediately grab the attention of modeling scouts and keep them on the hook.

Afterwards, some context is provided to explain how these outcomes came about. This is also known as the C-A-R method.

What is this?

C-A-R stands for Challenge, Action, Result. Try putting your skills in context and see what happens. Think of a problem you’ve tackled and the solution you’ve provided.

What was the outcome? Write it down.

Tying your talents to outcomes wasn’t that difficult, right?

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Soft Skills List for Fashion Model Resumes:

Do you really need an education to be a model?

Technically speaking - no.

Formal education isn’t necessary for you to pursue this career path.

But if you have a high school diploma or a degree - add it. Bonus points if it’s related to the art scene. For example:

  • Performance art
  • Theater
  • Photography
  • Contemporary dance
  • Acting
  • Dancing
  • Cosmetology
  • Fashion

While not exactly modeling, these courses show creativity and resourcefulness. And if by chance you’ve done modeling courses on the side, definitely list them.


Have a look at the example in the box below:

Davis Hoffman
Performance Studies
NYU Tisch School of the Arts

How about certificates? Do models need certificates?

These fall under the same category as formal education. So, if you have a certificate in a career-related field, mention it.

What else can zhuzh up your modeling resume?

There are plenty of other sections you can add. It all depends on which ones are more applicable to the job you’re applying for. Some of these can include:

  • Social media accounts
  • List of clients or brands represented
  • Hobbies and interests
  • Languages
  • Volunteer work
  • Cover letter
  • Association memberships
  • Special achievements
  • Internships and apprenticeships

Out of all the listed sections, the social media accounts box is possibly the most important.


Modeling scouts are searching for three main factors:

  • To determine your influence over your followers
  • To see how well you represent the brands linked to your name
  • To assess your social media conduct is appropriate

Key takeaways: tips to ensure you have everything ready for the audition

  • Read the job requirements carefully and tailor your resume to the specific position
  • Make sure your resume tells a well-rounded story. And supports your portfolio and comp card.
  • Remember to prepare a digital and print versions of your portfolio
  • Check the link to your online portfolio works before adding it to your model resume
  • Choose the resume format which is most relevant to your experience and skills
  • Use a small version of your headshot in the resume header
  • List famous designers and brands you’ve represented or worked for
  • Don’t underestimate the power of transferable skills
  • Tie your skills to measurable results and always lead with data
model resume example

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Volen Vulkov
Volen Vulkov is a resume expert and the co-founder of Enhancv. He has written more than 500 resume guides and deep-dive articles on how to create your resume and cover letter, that inspire job applicants to make a resume to be proud of. His work has been featured in Forbes, Zendesk, HubSpot, and Business Insider, and cited by top universities and educational institutions, like Thunderbird School of Management, Rochester University, University of Miami, and Udemy. Volen applies his deep knowledge and practical experience to write about career changes, development, and how to stand out in the job application process.
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