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3 Entry Level Sales Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your entry level sales resume must clearly highlight your communication skills. Effective persuasion and clear articulation are keys to success in sales. Demonstrate your ability to learn and adapt quickly. Sales environments are dynamic, and employers value applicants who can thrive in changing circumstances.

Sales is an exciting field and great for those with the right people skills to deal with customers and strong product knowledge.

Even if you’ve got great selling strategies and sharp industry knowledge, it can be a challenge writing an entry-level sales resume with little to no experience.

Unlike seasoned salespeople who can draw from a wide range of past roles, entry-level reps often have scarce direct experiences like part-time gigs or internships.

We’ve written an entry-level sales resume guide to help you focus more on transferable skills from previous roles such as communication, leadership, customer service, and problem-solving abilities.

In this guide, you’ll learn:

  • How to highlight transferable skills so that recruiters see how you’ve prepared for the role
  • How to format your resume to focus on relevant skills instead of work history so hiring managers know you can do the job
  • How to quantify success with measurable results so potential employers will see what you can achieve at their company
  • How to structure every section of your resume to be clear and concise so that busy recruiters can find what they need quickly and efficiently

If an entry-level sales resume isn’t exactly what you’re looking for, try browsing our guides for similar roles:

Entry-level sales resume example

Here’s what this applicant does well in their resume:

  • Tailored experience to the job: The applicant's experience section is specifically tailored to the sales and customer service roles, highlighting relevant internships with quantifiable achievements that align with the job's objectives.
  • Relevant skills and software proficiency: The skills section is well-curated, listing both hard and soft skills pertinent to an entry-level sales position, including CRM software and market analysis, directly matching the job ad's requirements.
  • Education and continuous learning: By including a Bachelor’s degree relevant to the field and additional courses in sales and digital marketing, the applicant demonstrates a commitment to continuous learning and skill enhancement.
  • Quantifiable achievements: The achievements section effectively showcases quantifiable results from past internships, such as increasing sales figures and customer engagement, which are critical metrics in sales roles.

How to format an entry-level sales resume

The key thing about an entry-level sales resume is showing hiring managers that you’re ready for the role without focusing on your work history.

How have you developed selling strategies, data analysis, and people skills in other ways?

Focus on transferable skills throughout your entry-level sales resume so potential employers get a good impression on you at first glance.

Here are a few areas to focus your attention when formatting your resume for entry-level sales positions:

  • Header: The top of your resume should include a brief but important header that provides professional contact information and a link to your online profile. Including a URL to your LinkedIn profile will show employers how you maintain a visible and impressive digital presence.
  • Key achievements: Industry achievements demonstrate your strengths and show potential employers the kind of success you will bring to their company. Use metrics like growth percentages, quota achievements, and team performance to highlight your value.
  • Keep to one page: Use space wisely on your entry-level sales resume so your information is limited to one page and has no unused white space. Include only the strongest and most relevant information on your entry-level sales resume and tailor every section to fit your target job.

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The top sections on an entry-level sales resume:

  • Contact information: To provide a way for the recruiter to contact you.
  • Objective statement: To explain your career goals and how they align with the company's sales goals.
  • Education: To highlight any education or qualifications you have relating to sales.
  • Sales experience: To show any previous experience you have in a sales role. This could be jobs, internships, or volunteer work.
  • Skills: To highlight your specific abilities that make you a good fit for a sales position, such as communication, negotiation, or customer service skills.
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What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Communication skills: Recruiters prioritize this because excellent communication is key to explaining products and persuading customers in sales.
  • Drive and ambition: This is crucial in sales roles as it demonstrates the motivation necessary to reach sales goals and targets.
  • Customer service skills: Sales positions often require dealing directly with customers, so excellent customer service skills are highly valued.
  • Relevant sales experience (even internships): This provides proof the candidate has some knowledge about the sales process and procedures.
  • Adaptability: A crucial trait in sales due to the fluctuating nature of the market and customer desires. It shows that a candidate can adjust their approach as needed.

How to write your entry-level sales resume experience

Your resume experience section is where you show your work history along with accomplishments from each job. Each role should include 3-4 bullets highlighting your top achievements.

As an entry-level candidate, your focus will be on transferable skills from past roles. Sales experience from internships or interpersonal skills from customer service jobs are great ways to highlight your strengths.

Let’s look at an entry-level sales resume experience section example that doesn’t quite hit the mark.

Sales Intern
Tech Sales Institute
  • Completed daily tasks like data entry, replying to emails, and answering phones
  • Managed reports
  • Helped with new product launch

What doesn’t work in this example:

  • General duties: "Completed daily tasks like data entry, replying to emails, and answering phones" shows basic tasks, not accomplishments. Show potential employers how you achieved success with specific examples.
  • Vague claims: "Managed reports" makes no mention of the type of reports or what kind of success the candidate had. Be specific to convey sales industry knowledge and relevant skills.
  • No measurable data:  "Helped with new product launch" doesn’t speak to the outcomes of this product launch. Use real numbers and tangible results to show evidence of success.

Let’s make a few updates and take another look.

Sales Intern
Tech Sales Institute
  • Used SalesForce to manage sales and tracked data in Excel
  • Managed reports for sales with 25 clients totaling $150k
  • Acted as client liaison for a new product launch that earned $55k in first quarter

What works in this example:

  • Industry skills:  "Used SalesForce to manage sales and tracked data in Excel" shows proficiency in tools and technology relevant to the role.
  • Real numbers and data:  "Managed reports for sales with 25 clients totaling $150k" gives a clear idea of this candidate’s scope of work and the size of projects they have managed.
  • Quantifies success:"Acted as client liaison for a new product launch that earned $55k in first quarter" tells hiring managers how this client has achieved measurable success in a previous role.

How to quantify impact on your entry-level sales resume

Quantifying impact on your resume with real numbers shows potential employers how you will achieve success at their company.

A significant challenge for entry-level sales candidates is providing evidence of previous sales success like hitting or exceeding sales targets, growing customer base, etc.

If you don’t have any direct sales experience, focus on achievements from internships or any sales-related activities you were involved in, however small they may seem.

Here are a few areas to consider when quantifying success on your entry-level sales resume:

  • Include sales figures: Specific numbers provide measurable evidence of your sales abilities and effectiveness.
  • Mention revenue increase: If you contributed to a significant increase in revenue, it illustrates your positive impact on a previous employer's bottom line.
  • Highlight customer growth: Enlarged customer base numerically shows your ability to attract new business.
  • Quantify marketing campaign outcomes: If you were involved in marketing strategies, numerical results highlight your role in the company's success.
  • Detail any cost reductions: This shows your capacity to improve a company's financial health and efficiency.
  • Include sales rankings or awards: Numerical rankings or awards place your achievements in context against your peers.
  • Quantify training or leadership roles: If you trained or led a team with quantifiable results, it showcases your leadership abilities.
  • List sales targets achieved: Meeting or exceeding numerical targets demonstrates your reliability and high performance.

How to list your hard skills and soft skills on your resume

There is a wide range of skills necessary for sales positions. In addition to selling abilities, you must have strong communication skills, sales software and technology, and knowledge in your particular niche.

Your entry-level sales resume will present your skills in two major categories.

Hard skills are the technical knowledge and abilities needed to perform job duties, whereas soft skills are the interpersonal and communication skills needed to interact with others.

Hard skills tend to be straightforward and can appear in a simple list form. Here is an example of hard skills on an entry-level sales resume.

Data Analysis
Proposal Writing
SaaS Sales

Only include hard skills that you’re proficient in and are relevant to your target job. Show potential employers that you have the right combination of skills to fill the role.

Here are a few more hard skills to consider for your entry-level sales resume.

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Best hard skills for your entry-level sales resume

  • CRM Software Proficiency
  • SalesForce Knowledge
  • Data Analysis
  • Excel Proficiency
  • Business Intelligence Tools
  • Product Knowledge
  • Lead Qualification
  • Proposal Writing
  • Direct Sales Techniques
  • Email Marketing
  • Market Research
  • SEO/SEM Skills
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Cold Calling
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Sales Presentations
  • Telemarketing
  • Digital Marketing Tools
  • Industry Specific Software Knowledge
  • SaaS Sales

Soft skills can be open to interpretation and are most effective when provided with an example. Be specific in your soft skills and avoid overused buzzwords on your resume.

Here is an example of a soft skills section on an entry-level sales resume.

Trained Retail Sales Staff
Trained 15 new employees at retail location in sales software, increased in-store sales by 20%
Consulted on Customer Service Sales
Leveraged product expertise at student bookstore, increased merchandise sales by 15%

Here are a few more soft skills to consider for your entry-level sales resume.

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Best soft skills for your entry-level sales resume

  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Active Listening
  • Customer Service
  • Empathy
  • Adaptability
  • Negotiation
  • Relationship Building
  • Motivation
  • Time Management
  • Resilience
  • Persuasion
  • Leadership
  • Problem Solving
  • Optimism
  • Creativity
  • Self-Control
  • Humility
  • Patience
  • Confidence

How to list your certifications and education on your resume

Education requirements in the sales industry vary by role and product. Sales representatives will often have a degree in business, marketing, or a similar field.

Your entry-level sales resume education section should include:

  • Name of institution
  • Name of degree
  • Years attended

Let’s look at an example of an entry-level sales resume education section.

Bachelor of Arts in Marketing
University of Tennessee

Your certification section will include any certifications in the field. Additional certifications are a great way to boost your resume as an entry-level candidate.

Here is an example of a certification section on an entry-level sales resume.

Certified Professional Sales Person (CPSP)
National Association of Sales Professionals (NASP)

Show a commitment to your career by continuing to gain certifications in the industry as trends and demand evolve. Increase your employability by keeping your entry-level sales resume up to date.

Here are a few more certifications to consider for your entry-level sales resume.

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Best certifications for your entry level sales resume

How to write your entry level sales resume summary or objective

A summary or objective is a great way to introduce yourself to hiring managers and highlight your top industry accomplishment in 3-4 sentences.

Though the terms are often used interchangeably, there is a slight difference between a summary and an objective.

A summary is a brief introduction that communicates your position and value in your industry. An objective looks to the future and captures what you are hoping to achieve in your new position.

As an entry-level candidate with no experience, it is optimal to choose an objective that looks to the future and highlights a goal you share with your target employer.

Let’s look at an example of an entry-level sales resume objective.

Sales Assistant with experience as a marketing intern. Seeking a new opportunity at JRR Sales Consultants.

What doesn’t work with this example:

  • No quantifiable achievements: Even with no direct sales experience, it is important to highlight relevant achievements. Show potential employers what you’re capable of.
  • General statements: "Sales Assistant with experience as a marketing intern” is a missed opportunity to show specific experience and achievements. Highlight how you have developed industry skills on the job.
  • Unclear goal: Having the goal of working at your target company is not enough. Show potential employers that you’ve done your research and will provide solutions to their problems.

Let’s make a few updates and try this entry-level sales objective again.

Sales Assistant with experience in the retail sector. As a marketing intern, I communicated directly with clients and increased client satisfaction score by 18%. Seeking to leverage retail knowledge as Sales Assistant at JRR Sales Consultants.

What works in this example:

  • Highlights specific niche: "Sales Assistant with experience in the retail sector” tells potential employers that this candidate has knowledge in their specific field.
  • Shows quantifiable results: “As a marketing intern, I communicated directly with clients and increased client satisfaction score by 18%” shows how this candidate used their skill set to achieve results. Show hiring managers what you will achieve in your new role.
  • Provides solutions: “Seeking to leverage retail knowledge as Sales Assistant at JRR Sales Consultants” shows how this candidate will use their specific experience to achieve results at their new company.

Additional sections for a entry level sales resume

If your relevant skills have been developed outside of the traditional career path, you may want to find other ways to incorporate them into your entry-level sales resume.

Additional sections on your resume can be a great way to show how you’ve prepared to work in sales in unique ways.

Here are a few sections to consider adding to your entry-level sales resume:

  • Languages - Speaking more than one language can be a great skill for sales, especially if you are conducting sales internationally or with a population where multiple languages are spoken.
  • Continuing Education - Keeping your skills current with the latest tools and trends can be great for entry-level sales candidates with limited experience. Increase your employability by updating your resume with new industry knowledge.
  • Volunteer Work - Volunteering is a great way to develop soft skills necessary for sales like communication, relationship building, and time management.

Key takeaways for writing a great entry-level sales resume

Great job! You’re just about ready to send off that amazing entry-level sales resume that gets callbacks. Before you go, let’s review a few key points.

  • Format your entry-level sales resume with a functional layout that focuses on transferable skills instead of work experience.
  • Show potential employers how you will impact success at their company by quantifying achievements in previous roles.
  • Use the right combination of soft skills and hard skills to show recruiters that you have the sales knowledge to do the job.
  • Tailor every section of your entry-level sales resume to fit your target job so hiring managers can see that you’ve done your research and will provide solutions to their problems.

Entry Level Sales resume examples

Explore additional entry level sales resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

By Experience

Sales Intern

The Sales Intern role largely originates from the sales industry, hence, sales industry practices substantially impact the role. To successfully land a Sales Intern role, consider the following: Firstly, highlight your familiarity with sales methodologies and strategies such as SPIN Selling, Value-Based Selling, etc., in your resume. Moreover, ensure to detail any experience with CRM software, as businesses conduct and monitor their sales activities through them. Secondly, emphasize your previous sales experience, if any. Companies value real-world sales experience, so make sure your resume reflects this. Thirdly, rather than simply listing your sales skills, illustrate how they assisted you in achieving targets or increasing the company's revenue. For example, state 'boosted sales by 20% through...', 'increased customer base by implementing...'. Adopt a 'skill-action-results' approach.
View Sales Intern Resume

By Role

Sales Trainee

The Sales Trainee position is closely related to the marketing and sales sector. The following strategies will enhance your chances of success when applying for this position: Firstly, having knowledge of sales techniques such as Consultative Selling, Challenger Sale, etc., is essential. Remember to mention this on your resume. Utilizing practical examples of how you've used these techniques effectively will enhance your application. Secondly, listing any experience with data analysis, especially within sales or marketing, is crucial as it is a significant part of the role. Thirdly, show how your skills had a demonstrable effect on real-world outputs, such as sales or customer satisfaction. For instance, 'increased customer satisfaction by...'. The most effective way to do this is to follow the 'skill-action-result' format.
View Sales Trainee Resume
entry level sales resume example

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Volen Vulkov
Volen Vulkov is a resume expert and the co-founder of Enhancv. He has written more than 500 resume guides and deep-dive articles on how to create your resume and cover letter, that inspire job applicants to make a resume to be proud of. His work has been featured in Forbes, Zendesk, HubSpot, and Business Insider, and cited by top universities and educational institutions, like Thunderbird School of Management, Rochester University, University of Miami, and Udemy. Volen applies his deep knowledge and practical experience to write about career changes, development, and how to stand out in the job application process.
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