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5 Content Developer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

As a content developer, your resume must showcase your expertise in creating engaging content. Highlight your skills in writing, editing, and curating materials that resonate with audiences. Ensure your experience with SEO and content management systems is front and center. Demonstrate your ability to drive traffic and engage users through effective content strategy and analytics.

All resume examples in this guide

As a content developer, one specific resume challenge you might face is effectively showcasing the breadth of your content creation and curation abilities. Our guide offers tailored advice to help you strategically highlight your key projects and use industry-relevant keywords, ensuring your resume stands out to potential employers.

Here's what you'll read within our professional resume guide:
  • content developer resumes that are tailored to the role are more likely to catch recruiters' attention.
  • Most sought-out content developer skills that should make your resume.
  • Styling the layout of your professional resume: take a page from content developer resume examples.

How to write about your content developer achievements in various resume sections (e.g. summary, experience, and education).

Professional content developer resume format advice

Achieving the most suitable resume format can at times seem like a daunting task at hand.

Which elements are most important to recruiters?

In which format should you submit your resume?

How should you list your experience?

Unless specified otherwise, here's how to achieve a professional look and feel for your resume.

  • Present your experience following the reverse-chronological resume format . It showcases your most recent jobs first and can help recruiters attain a quick glance at how your career has progressed.
  • The header is the must-have element for your resume. Apart from your contact details, you could also include your portfolio and a headline, that reflects on your current role or a distinguishable achievement.
  • Select relevant information to the role, that should encompass no more than two pages of your resume.
  • Download your resume in PDF to ensure that its formatting stays intact.

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Mention specific courses or projects that are pertinent to the job you're applying for.

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Fundamental sections for your content developer resume:

  • The header with your name (if your degree or certification is impressive, you can add the title as a follow up to your name), contact details, portfolio link, and headline
  • The summary or objective aligning your career and resume achievements with the role
  • The experience section to curate neatly organized bullets with your tangible at-work-success
  • Skills listed through various sections of your resume and within an exclusive sidebar
  • The education and certifications for more credibility and industry-wide expertise
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What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Demonstrated writing and editing skills with a portfolio of published work
  • Proficiency in content management systems and basic HTML/CSS
  • Knowledge of SEO principles and experience optimizing content for search engines
  • Experience with social media marketing and content distribution strategies
  • Ability to analyze content performance data to guide content strategy decisions

Quick guide to your content developer resume experience section

After deciding on the format of your resume, it's time to organize your experience within the dedicated section.

It's common for content developer professionals to be confused in this part of the process, as they may have too much or little expertise.

Follow the general rules of thumb to be successful when writing this part of your resume:

  • The perfect number of bullets you should have under each experience item is no more than six;
  • Select not merely your responsibilities, but the most noteworthy achievements for each role that match the job requirements;
  • List any certificates or technical expertise you've gained on the job and how they've helped you progress as a professional;
  • Carefully select the power verbs to go along with each bullet to avoid generic ones like "managed" and instead substitute those with the actuality of your particular responsibility;
  • Integrate valuable keywords from the job advert in the form of achievements under each role you list.

If you're on the search for further advice on how to write your content developer experience section, get some ideas from real-world professional resumes:

Work Experience
Senior Content Development Specialist
  • Conceptualized and developed a comprehensive content marketing strategy for a leading e-commerce platform, increasing user engagement by 35% within the first year.
  • Led a team of five in the production of multimedia content, including videos and infographics, that doubled website traffic from social media channels.
  • Implemented SEO best practices across all content, achieving first-page ranking for 80% of targeted keywords.
Work Experience
Financial Content Developer
  • Authored over 400 articles on financial literacy and budgeting tools, directly contributing to a 25% increase in monthly web visitors for an online personal finance portal.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to launch a user-focused education series, leading to a 45% reduction in support tickets due to increased user knowledge.
  • Analyzed user engagement metrics to refine content strategy, which led to a 20% improvement in content retention rates.
Work Experience
SaaS Content Developer
  • Scripted and storyboarded over 50 instructional videos for a SaaS product, facilitating a 30% increase in user adoption rate.
  • Managed content localization projects for 6 different languages, ensuring cultural relevance and comprehension for international markets.
  • Conducted weekly A/B testing on content placement and messaging, which led to a 10% rise in conversion rates.
Work Experience
Corporate Content Development Manager
  • Crafted engaging online learning modules for a corporate training platform, boosting employee performance metrics by an average of 40%.
  • Implemented feedback mechanisms within content offerings, resulting in a 50% increase in user-generated content and peer-to-peer interactions.
  • Harmonized content delivery methods to suit different learning styles, contributing to a 30% decrease in course abandonment rates.
Work Experience
Educational Content Developer
  • Integrated gamification elements into developmental content, leading to a 250% increase in daily active users for a language learning app.
  • Curated a diverse range of content, from beginner to advanced levels, accommodating a user base growth to 3 million subscribers.
  • Designed interactive assessments that provided instant feedback to users, significantly enhancing the personalization of learning paths.
Work Experience
Digital Content Developer
  • Developed a viral content campaign that reached over 10 million views, tripling the amount of leads generated in Q2 2015.
  • Managed a content calendar that coordinated with product launches and seasonal events, aligning content publication with strategic sales peaks.
  • Pioneered the use of interactive content, including quizzes and polls, to boost user time-on-site by an average of 120 seconds.
Work Experience
IT Content Developer
  • Authored a monthly newsletter with industry insights and trends that amassed a readership of over 100,000 IT professionals.
  • Tailored technical content to non-technical audiences, demystifying complex concepts and contributing to a 40% increase in client retention rates.
  • Developed comprehensive user manuals for new software releases, reducing on-boarding time for new clients by 25%.
Work Experience
Health Content Developer
  • Played a key role in developing an award-winning content strategy for an early-stage healthtech startup, positioning the brand as a thought leader in the space.
  • Crafted patient-centered educational materials that increased website engagement metrics by over 50% within six months.
  • Collaborated with healthcare professionals to ensure content accuracy and compliance with regulations, establishing trust and authority in the industry.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Include the percentage growth of reader engagement metrics you contributed to through your content initiatives to demonstrate audience impact.
  • List the exact number of content pieces you have published to exhibit your productivity and capacity for creating a high volume of work.
  • Specify the dollar amount of revenue generated from your content campaigns to highlight your direct contribution to company profits.
  • Detail the number of leads or conversions resulted from your content to showcase your effectiveness in driving business goals.
  • Mention the size of the social media following or subscriber base you built or contributed to as a measure of community building.
  • State the percentage decrease in marketing costs due to efficiencies you introduced in the content development process.
  • Quantify the improvement in content engagement metrics like dwell time or click-through rates to show user interaction enhancement.
  • Report the number of successful cross-functional projects you participated in to demonstrate your collaborative skills.

Action verbs for your content developer resume

At Enhancv, we went through countless content developer resumes and uncovered which are the unique words people use to spice up their resumes. Forget about buzzwords - use these power words instead to make your experience section shine.
Read The Guide

No experience, no problem: writing your content developer resume

You're quite set on the content developer role of your dreams and think your application may add further value to your potential employers. Yet, you have no work experience . Here's how you can curate your resume to substitute your lack of experience:

  • Don't list every single role you've had so far, but focus on ones that would align with the job you're applying for
  • Include any valid experience in the field - whether it's at research or intern level
  • Highlight the soft skills you'd bring about - those personality traits that have an added value to your application
  • Focus on your education and certifications, if they make sense for the role.
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If you're in the process of obtaining your certificate or degree, list the expected date you're supposed to graduate or be certified.

Content Developer resume skills: the essential hard skills and soft skills checklist

Ultimately, your Content Developer resume should hint to recruiters that you possess an array of talents that are indispensable to the role.

For example, listing the technologies and software you're apt at using (or your hard skills) and how you apply them in your day-to-day responsibilities would ensure you meet the technical requirements of the role.

But is this enough to ensure that you make a good impression on recruiters?

Go a step further by detailing the soft skills or personality traits you've attained thanks to your work and life experience.

The best way to balance hard skills and soft skills on your Content Developer resume is by:

  • Highlighting up to three of your most noteworthy career accomplishments in a separate section.
  • Listing at least one hard skill and one soft skill you've used to solve a particular challenge or problem.
  • Feature niche skills and technologies that would help you stand out amongst candidates.
  • Think back on the social impact your efforts have had towards improving the work environment - were you able to always maintain a professional ethic, while enhancing the team culture? Write about your contribution to the role, department, or organization itself as a metric of success.

The skills section of your resume provides you with plenty of opportunities to detail your technical and personal traits.

All you have to do is select the talents that best fit your application and expertise. Make note of some of the most prominent hard and soft skills across the industry from our list:

Top skills for your content developer resume:

Content Creation

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)


Graphic Design

CMS (Content Management Systems)

Social Media Management


Multimedia Production


Analytics and Reporting




Attention to Detail


Time Management


Critical Thinking


Problem Solving


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If you happen to have some basic certificates, don't invest too much of your content developer resume real estate in them. Instead, list them within the skills section or as part of your relevant experience. This way you'd ensure you meet all job requirements while dedicating your certificates to only the most in-demand certification across the industry.

Showcase academic background with education and certifications' sections

Listing your education and certifications should be a rudimentary part of your resume writing.

Including your relevant academic background - in the form of your higher education degree and niche-specific certificates - will prove knowledge of the industry.

For your education section:

  • Start by including your degree, followed by start and graduation dates, as well as the institution;
  • You could include relevant coursework, major/minor , or GPA, only if your've just graduated from college or if this information would further support your application;
  • If you have an "ongoing" degree, you can still list it in case you think your diploma can impress recruiters or it's required;

Follow a similar logic for your certifications section by listing the institution, alongside dates you've obtained the certificate. For some of the most recent and relevant industry certificates , check out the next part of our guide:

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The top 5 certifications for your content developer resume:

  1. Certified Content Marketer (CCM) - Copyblogger
  2. Content Marketing Certification (CMC) - HubSpot Academy
  3. Professional Certified Marketer (PCM) in Digital Marketing - American Marketing Association (AMA)
  4. Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ) - Google
  5. Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) - Adobe
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Always remember that your content developer certifications can be quantified across different resume sections, like your experience, summary, or objective. For example, you could include concise details within the expertise bullets of how the specific certificate has improved your on-the-job performance.

Professional summary or objective for your content developer resume

content developer candidates sometimes get confused between the difference of a resume summary and a resume objective.

Which one should you be using?

Remember that the:

  • Resume objective has more to do with your dreams and goals for your career. Within it, you have the opportunity to showcase to recruiters why your application is an important one and, at the same time, help them imagine what your impact on the role, team, and company would be.
  • Resume summary should recount key achievements, tailored for the role, through your career. Allowing recruiters to quickly scan and understand the breadth of your content developer expertise.

The resume objectives are always an excellent choice for candidates starting off their career, while the resume summary is more fitting for experienced candidates.

No matter if you chose a summary or objective, get some extra inspiration from real-world professional content developer resumes:

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Resume summaries for a content developer job

  • Seasoned Content Developer with over 8 years of experience crafting compelling articles for tech startups in Silicon Valley. Possesses deep expertise in SEO strategies and multimedia content creation, paired with a track record of increasing web traffic by 40% for multiple clients. Adept at leading content teams towards achieving measurable business goals.
  • Dedicated professional with a 10-year background in marketing and public relations deciding to pivot into content development. Armed with a proven ability to communicate complex ideas clearly and a passion for technology, eager to leverage extensive writing skills to produce engaging content that drives digital engagement.
  • Multilingual journalist with 15 years of experience looking to transfer storytelling and investigative skills to content development. Expert in synthesizing information and presenting it in a user-friendly format, recognized for an award-winning documentary series. Keen to employ deep research abilities to produce rich and informative digital content.
  • Recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in English possessing a strong foundation in writing, editing, and research. Eager to apply academic knowledge to generate creative and innovative content solutions that resonate with diverse audiences. Committed to learning the latest digital trends to aid in the production of leading-edge web content.
  • Aspiring Content Developer with a fresh perspective, prepared to immerse in the field with a dedication to lifelong learning and growth. With no prior professional experience but armed with a passion for writing and a solid understanding of social media platforms, committed to contributing original ideas and embracing mentorship opportunities to develop top-notch content strategies.
  • Proactive self-starter with an impressive portfolio of personal blog writing spanning 5 years looking to bring a unique voice to professional content development. Deeply interested in technology and emerging media, ready to apply honed writing skills and innovative mindset to produce engaging and educational content for a digital audience.

Miscellaneous content developer resume sections for a more personalized approach

Your content developer resume can reflect even more upon your personality and best qualities - that is if you decide on including a couple of additional resume sections to support your application.

Some of the best-accepted industry-wide choices include the:

Key takeaways

Securing your ideal job starts with crafting a compelling content developer resume. It should not only highlight your professional strengths but also reflect your personality. Key aspects to remember include:

  • Choose a clear, easily editable format, allowing more time to focus on the content of your resume;
  • Emphasize experience relevant to the job, focusing on your impact on the team;
  • Opt for a resume summary if you have extensive professional experience, and a resume objective if you're just starting out;
  • Include technical skills in the skills section and interpersonal skills in the achievements section;
  • Recognize the importance of various resume sections (e.g., My Time, Projects) in showcasing both your professional abilities and personal traits.
content developer resume example

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Volen Vulkov
Volen Vulkov is a resume expert and the co-founder of Enhancv. He has written more than 500 resume guides and deep-dive articles on how to create your resume and cover letter, that inspire job applicants to make a resume to be proud of. His work has been featured in Forbes, Zendesk, HubSpot, and Business Insider, and cited by top universities and educational institutions, like Thunderbird School of Management, Rochester University, University of Miami, and Udemy. Volen applies his deep knowledge and practical experience to write about career changes, development, and how to stand out in the job application process.
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