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7 Scientist Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your scientist resume must showcase a robust educational background. Highlight degrees, relevant coursework, and any honors you have received. Emphasize your experience with scientific research and publications. Be sure to include any patents, presentations, or collaborative projects you've worked on.

All resume examples in this guide

One resume challenge you as a scientist might face is effectively translating your extensive research and technical experience into a format that is accessible and compelling to non-specialist employers. Our guide can help you articulate the value of your scientific skills and achievements in a way that resonates across a broad range of industries, ensuring your resume stands out in a competitive job market.

Get to know the basics and unique insights to writing your scientist resume from our experts. In this article, we'll show you how to:
  • Apply best practices from professional resumes to spotlight your application;
  • Quantify your professional experience with achievements, career highlights, projects, and more;
  • Write an eye-catching scientist resume top one-third with your header, summary/objective, and skills section;
  • Fill in the gaps of your experience with extracurricular, education, and more vital resume sections.

We've selected, especially for you, some of our most relevant scientist resume guides. Getting you from thinking about your next career move to landing your dream job.

Is there a correct way to format your scientist resume?

This is a tricky question. While skimming over your resume, recruiters will be looking at your experience and the message your profile conveys. That's why your resume format needs to be clear and concise, serving to supplement and organize your experience. Professional best practices point that the best scientist resumes:

  • Follow the reverse chronological order, where the most recent experience items are presented first . This is to keep your expertise succinct and to show recruiters your career growth over the years;
  • Have a clearly defined header that includes all relevant contact information and a portfolio or a LinkedIn link. In some countries, it is acceptable to include a professional photo , so that your application is more memorable;
  • Feature the most important scientist resume sections towards the top, e.g. summary, skills, and experience. That way, recruiters can immediately find information that is relevant to the role;
  • Take up no more than two pages - and two pages are the exception for more experienced professionals. Keep your expertise to the point and use your scientist resume real estate wisely .
Next comes the big question of format. The two most popular choices are .Docx and .PDF . At Enhancv, we recommend you submit your scientist resume in the PDF format, as it will ensure your content stays intact. Before we go on to talk about the different resume sections, we have to remind you about the ATS or Applicant Tracker System. The ATS is a software which companies use to initially assess candidate profiles. Our recent study on the ATS found that resumes with modern, graphic-rich, and simple designs scored well. That's why your scientist resume design choice may be entirely up to you, but keep in mind that:
  • Selecting modern, yet simple fonts, e.g. Rubik, Lato, etc., would help your application stand out;
  • Many candidates stick with the tried-and-tested Arial or Times New Roman, but you'd want your scientist resume to be a bit more unique;
  • The ATS can read all serif and sans-serif fonts, so you should avoid fancy, formal script (or cursive) fonts.
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Highlight any significant extracurricular activities that demonstrate valuable skills or leadership.

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Essential sections that should make up your scientist resume include:

  • The header - with your contact details (e.g. email and telephone number), link to your portfolio, and headline
  • The summary (or objective) - to spotlight the peaks of your professional career, so far
  • The experience section - with up to six bullets per role to detail specific outcomes
  • The skills list - to provide a healthy mix between your personal and professional talents
  • The education and certification - showing your most relevant degrees and certificates to the scientist role
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What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Publications and research work, demonstrating contributions to the scientific community and subject matter expertise
  • Grants and funding history, showcasing the ability to secure financial resources for research projects
  • Technical skills and laboratory experience, including expertise in relevant scientific techniques, tools, and software
  • Education and continuous learning, emphasizing degrees, certifications, and specialization in relevant scientific disciplines
  • Presentation and teaching experience, highlighting abilities to disseminate knowledge and communicate complex ideas effectively

Guide to your most impressive scientist resume experience section

When it comes to your resume experience , stick to these simple, yet effective five steps:

  • Show how your experience is relevant by including your responsibility, skill used, and outcome/-s;
  • Use individual bullets to answer how your experience aligns with the job requirements;
  • Think of a way to demonstrate the tangible results of your success with stats, numbers, and/or percentages ;
  • Always tailor the experience section to the scientist role you're applying for - this may sometimes include taking out irrelevant experience items;
  • Highlight your best (and most relevant) achievements towards the top of each experience bullet.

You're not alone if you're struggling with curating your experience section. That's why we've prepared some professional, real-life scientist resume samples to show how to best write your experience section (and more).

Work Experience
Senior Research Scientist
  • Managed the development of an innovative CRISPR gene-editing project that increased the accuracy of gene targeting by 35%.
  • Spearheaded a cross-functional team to investigate the metabolic pathways of a newly discovered microorganism, leading to the publication of 3 peer-reviewed papers.
  • Piloted a bioinformatics initiative that improved data analysis workflows, enhancing research efficiency by 20%.
Work Experience
Environmental Scientist
  • Collaborated on a multi-year study examining atmospheric pollutants, which influenced policy decisions at the EPA.
  • Cultivated partnerships with universities to advance climate model simulations, reducing computational errors by 15%.
  • Orchestrated the implementation of advanced spectroscopy techniques for material analysis, optimizing product development timelines.
Work Experience
Lead Scientist – Biomedical Research
  • Directed a major research initiative on protein folding disorders that contributed to a novel drug therapy currently in Phase II trials.
  • Integrated next-generation sequencing technology into the research suite, boosting the throughput of genetic analyses by 40%.
  • Secured a competitive research grant worth $2 million to explore novel oncology biomarkers.
Work Experience
Principal Scientist – Nanotechnology
  • Established a nanotechnology lab, resulting in a 50% increase in publication output for the department.
  • Implemented robust chemical synthesis protocols for drug delivery systems, leading to a 25% improvement in efficacy during pre-clinical trials.
  • Mentored a team of junior scientists and postdoctoral researchers, leading to two of them achieving prestigious fellowships.
Work Experience
Senior Computational Scientist
  • Led a collaboration with international teams to advance quantum computing applications in materials science, enhancing simulation capabilities by 30%.
  • Developed a proprietary algorithm for predictive modeling in pharmaceutical development, shaving months off traditional R&D cycles.
  • Educated corporate partners on the potential of machine learning in industrial chemistry, fostering three strategic partnerships.
Work Experience
Biotech Scientist – Data Analysis
  • Contributed to the design and launch of a scalable data repository for genomics research data, accommodating over 20TB of data.
  • Played a pivotal role in the translational medicine team, leveraging big data to fast-track the discovery of two candidate molecules for cardiovascular diseases.
  • Developed and introduced a machine learning module to predict enzyme activity, which was incorporated into the company's drug development platform.
Work Experience
Aquatic Scientist
The Nature Conservancy
  • Oversaw a large-scale water quality project, which was instrumental in improving the quality of potable water in 5 major cities.
  • Authored a comprehensive report on the impact of industrial effluents on aquatic life, leading to two industrial partners revising their waste management strategies.
  • Initiated and managed a successful collaboration with governmental agencies to establish new environmental monitoring stations.
Work Experience
Scientist III – Synthetic Biology
  • Advanced the field of synthetic biology by contributing to the creation of a synthetic genome, which has applications in green energy production.
  • Optimized lab workflows using automation technology, thereby improving experimental throughput by over 30%
  • Developed a patent-pending bioreactor design, which is now being used to scale up production of biofuels.
Work Experience
Clinical Research Scientist
  • Engineered novel protein-based therapeutics that have completed early-stage clinical trials with promising results.
  • Initiated a successful industry-academic cooperation for the study of rare diseases, resulting in over $500,000 in funding.
  • Integrated statistical modeling into drug development processes, reducing the time to clinical trial initiation by 20%.
Work Experience
Research Scientist - Antimicrobial Discovery
  • Drove an interdisciplinary project to develop a new class of antimicrobial agents, which are now part of a global health initiative.
  • Authored a seminal paper on the application of AI in predictive toxicology, cited over 100 times in subsequent research.
  • Mentored a team of scientists, inspiring the launch of an internal startup focused on green chemistry solutions.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Include the number of peer-reviewed publications you have authored or co-authored to demonstrate research productivity.
  • List the total amount of grant funding you have secured to show financial acumen and project support.
  • Specify the size of research teams you have led or collaborated with to highlight your teamwork and leadership.
  • Detail the number of patents you have filed or been awarded to exhibit innovation and commercial relevance.
  • Present the number of conference presentations or workshops you have delivered to illustrate communication skills.
  • Mention the number of students or postdocs you have supervised or mentored to show your commitment to education and training.
  • Quantify the scale or impact of any implemented scientific techniques or improvements to show problem-solving abilities.
  • Record the metrics of efficiency improvements or cost reductions resulting from your work to prove your operational contributions.

Action verbs for your scientist resume

The Enhancv team went through thousands of scientist resumes that have helped people get hired at their dream companies. Here are some of the best power words used by these top applicants:
Read The Guide

What if my scientist experience doesn't match the requirements?

You've just graduated from college and may have no real world job experience . What should you include within your resume then?

Instead of making up information or adding irrelevant past jobs (e.g. your on-campus work during freshman year), you can:

  • Shift the focus from your professional experience to your community impact with your volunteer work. This would showcase numerous soft skills you've built over time (e.g. interpersonal communication);
  • Highlight the projects you've completed, as part of your coursework, or, on your own. Thus, you will align your technical background with recruiters' requirements;
  • Consider spotlighting your transferrable skills. Or, what lessons and talents your current professional and personal experience has taught you and how they could benefit your potential employers;
  • Even if you've had a few months of internship experience, that is relevant for the role, make sure to include this. Recruiters do care about the years of experience you happen to have, but, at the end of the day, your profile would also be assessed based on role alignment.
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The more time and effort you've put into obtaining the relevant certificate, the closer to the top it should be listed. This is especially important for more senior roles and if the company you're applying for is more forward-facing.

How to showcase hard skills and soft skills on your resume

Reading between the lines of your dream job, you find recruiters are looking for candidates who have specific software or hardware knowledge, and personal skills.

Any technology you're adept at shows your hard skills. This particular skill set answers initial job requirements, hinting at how much time your potential employers would have to invest in training you. Showcase you have the relevant technical background in your communicate, solve problems, and adapt to new environments. Basically, your interpersonal communication skills that show recruiters if you'd fit into the team and company culture. You could use the achievements section to tie in your greatest wins with relevant soft skills.

It's also a good idea to add some of your hard and soft skills across different resume sections (e.g. summary/objective, experience, etc.) to match the job requirements and pass the initial screening process. Remember to always check your skill spelling and ensure that you've copy-pasted the name of the desired skills from the job advert as is.

Top skills for your scientist resume:

Research design

Data analysis

Statistical software proficiency

Laboratory techniques

Technical writing

Scientific modeling


Subject matter expertise

Data visualization

Project management


Critical thinking

Problem solving





Attention to detail

Time management



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Listing your relevant degrees or certificates on your scientist resume is a win-win situation. Not only does it hint at your technical capabilities in the industry, but an array of soft skills, like perseverance, adaptability, and motivation.

What are the best certificates to add to your scientist resume + how to curate your education section

The education and certification resume sections are the underdogs of your scientist resume.

They showcase to recruiters that you've invested plenty of time to gain valuable and specific know-how, vital for growth.

As far as the resume education section is concerned:

  • Detail only advanced education, specifying the institution and timeframe.
  • Indicate your forthcoming graduation date if you're in the midst of your studies.
  • Consider omitting degrees that don't align with the job's requirements.
  • Offer a description of your academic journey if it underscores your notable achievements.

When curating your degrees and certificates on your scientist resume:

  • Select only accreditation that matters to the role
  • Niche knowledge that could help you stand out as a candidate (as is within the past few years), should be listed towards the top of your resume
  • Include any pertinent data for credibility (e.g. institute name, graduation dates, etc.)
  • Irrelevant degrees and certifications shouldn't make it on your resume. Those include your high school diploma and any specializations that have nothing to do with the technical or soft skills that are required for the job

As a final note, if you feel tempted to exclude your education or certification from your resume, don't.

These two sections could help you have a better competitive edge over other candidates - hinting that your professional journey in the industry may be for a longer period of time.

Recruiters find all of these scientist credentials impressive:

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The top 5 certifications for your scientist resume:

  1. Project Management Professional (PMP) - Project Management Institute
  2. Certified Data Professional (CDP) - Institute for Certification of Computing Professionals
  3. Biotechnology Project Management Specialization - University of Washington
  4. Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) - Scrum Alliance
  5. Certified Research Administrator (CRA) - Research Administrators Certification Council
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The more trusted the organization you've attained your certificate (or degree) from, the more credible your skill set would be.

Adding a summary or objective to your scientist resume

One of the most crucial elements of your professional presentation is your resume's top one-third. This most often includes:

  • Either a resume summary - your career highlights at a glance. Select the summary if you have plenty of relevant experience (and achievements), you'd like recruiters to remember about your application.
  • Or, a resume objective - to showcase your determination for growth. The perfect choice for candidates with less experience, who are looking to grow their career in the field.

If you want to go above and beyond with your scientist resume summary or resume objective, make sure to answer precisely why recruiters need to hire you. What is the additional value you'd provide to the company or organization? Now here are examples from real-life scientist professionals, whose resumes have helped them land their dream jobs:

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Resume summaries for a scientist job

  • With over a decade of dedicated research in molecular biology and a proven track record of scientific publications in high-impact journals, I bring a robust understanding of genetic engineering techniques and a significant breakthrough in CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technology, improving the accuracy of gene therapy interventions.
  • Seasoned biochemist with 15 years of experience in drug discovery and a deep expertise in proteomics, credited with developing a novel assay that accelerated the screening of potential therapeutic compounds for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • An experienced software engineer with a newfound passion for computational biology, I possess a strong foundation in machine learning and algorithm design, evidenced by my patented data analytics software, which is now keen to contribute to innovative genomic research projects.
  • A former data analyst with 8 years in the tech industry, keen to leverage my expertise in big data and statistical analysis to decipher complex biological data sets; I have independently learned key bioinformatics tools and am eager to apply this knowledge to contribute to groundbreaking research in genomics.
  • Eager to embark on a career in immunology research, my recent Master’s degree in Microbiology equipped me with a solid theoretical foundation, hands-on laboratory experience, and an enthusiastic commitment to contribute to studies on autoimmune diseases and the development of novel vaccines.
  • As a recent biology graduate, I am excited to apply my extensive knowledge from rigorous coursework and interactive lab experiences in cellular biology to practical research, and I am motivated to contribute to oncology-focused clinical trials at a foundational level, despite having no prior industry experience.

Recruiters' favorite additional scientist resume sections

When writing your scientist resume, you may be thinking to yourself, " Is there anything more I can add on to stand out? ".

Include any of the below four sections you deem relevant, to ensure your scientist resume further builds up your professional and personal profile:

  • Books - your favorite books can showcase that you have an excellent level of reading comprehension, creativity, and outside the box thinking;
  • Languages - make sure you've included your proficiency level alongside a relevant certificate or a form of self-assessment;
  • Website link - ensure you've curated your most relevant and recent projects in your professional portfolio (and that the link is a part of your resume header) to support your application;
  • Passions - showing recruiters how you spend your time outside of work and what activities or causes you're invested in.
  • Key takeaways

    • The logic of your resume presentation should follow your career highlights and alignment with the role;
    • Curate information within different sections (e.g. summary, experience, etc.) that helps highlight your strengths;
    • Exclude from your resume irrelevant experience items - that way you'd ensure it stays no longer than two pages and is easy to read;
    • Dedicate space within the summary, experience, and/or achievements to highlight precisely why you're the best candidate for the role via your previous success;
    • Both your technical and people capabilities should also play a crucial role in building up your scientist application. Prove your skill set in various resume sections.

    Scientist resume examples

    Explore additional scientist resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

    By Role


    The Biology field carefully observes and interprets science. Highlighting your technical skills in biology is crucial.

    Emphasize on your experience with biological research methods. Experience in microscopy, dissection, or culturing organisms is crucial. Do not just list these skills - demonstrate their practical uses, eg. 'Identified various species during field research using a microscope'.

    Your holistic understanding of biological systems should be apparent from your previous work. Include successful projects and their impact.

    Stand out by highlighting unique biological skills eg. 'Experienced in marine biology research' or 'Researched evolutionary patterns'.

    Make sure to also showcase your problem-solving skills. Biology work often requires creative solutions to complex problems.

    View Biology Resume


    As a chemist, your technical expertise in chemistry and analytical mindset is your stronghold.

    Highlight your research experience. Make sure it illustrates your ability to design, conduct, and interpret experiments.

    Concentrate on your expertise in cross-disciplinary areas e.g., 'Formulated industrial-grade detergent based on organic chemistry principles'.

    Highlight complex tasks executed, explaining how they improved overall result, eg. 'Increased solution efficacy by 30%'.

    Stress on your laboratory skills, maintaining safety at the forefront. Convey how you've maintained a safe work environment in the past.

    View Chemist Resume

    Lab Assistant

    A Lab Assistant requires strong analytical skills and a thorough knowledge of laboratory procedures.

    Emphasize on your practical lab skills. List lab techniques performed, along with their impact, eg. 'Assisted in X experiment, which led to formulation of Y'.

    Detail your understanding of lab safety procedures. Indicate the specific safety courses attended or safety protocols you've ensured previously.

    Mention your accuracy in record keeping and analytical skills.

    Highlight teamwork and organizational skills. Regular duties need to be detailed to show how valuable your input was.

    View Lab Assistant Resume

    Lab Manager

    Lab Managers leverage administrative and scientific skills to optimize lab work.

    Highlight your managerial skills such as project coordination, staff supervision, budget handling.

    Detail prior experience in ensuring an efficient and productive laboratory environment.

    Discuss your ability to comply with safety regulations, maintain equipment, manage inventory, and reduce downtimes.

    Show your technical skills by mentioning project coordination and outcomes, eg.'Increased lab efficiency by 25% through improved processes'.

    View Lab Manager Resume

    Lab Technician

    A competent Lab Technician blends technical, analytical, and organizational skills.

    Highlight hands-on experience in conducting and interpreting lab tests.

    Focus on your expertise in lab technology including hardware and software.

    Convey your understanding of lab safety protocols and ethical considerations.

    Adept handling of samples, precise record keeping and delivering accurate results should be emphasized. Reference to instances of 'improved lab efficiency, reduced errors' will be valid.

    View Lab Technician Resume

    Research Scientist

    The Research Scientist role is broad and affected by recent academic trends. To improve your odds of landing this position, make sure to emphasize your experience with various research methods, showing your flexibility and thorough approach. You should also emphasize your understanding of theories that give context to your data and demonstrate you've put these theories into practice. Show off your scientific writing skills through publications, proposals, or protocols, demonstrating your ability to clearly convey scientific information. Instead of just listing skills and experiences, show how you used them to create real results using a 'skill-action-results' method. Remember, your technical skills are just as important as your theoretical knowledge, so mention any tools or software that helped with your research and how they made a difference.
    scientist resume example

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    Volen Vulkov
    Volen Vulkov is a resume expert and the co-founder of Enhancv. He has written more than 500 resume guides and deep-dive articles on how to create your resume and cover letter, that inspire job applicants to make a resume to be proud of. His work has been featured in Forbes, Zendesk, HubSpot, and Business Insider, and cited by top universities and educational institutions, like Thunderbird School of Management, Rochester University, University of Miami, and Udemy. Volen applies his deep knowledge and practical experience to write about career changes, development, and how to stand out in the job application process.
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