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21 Operations Manager Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your operations manager resume must highlight your leadership skills. Showcase your ability to lead teams effectively and drive project execution. Demonstrate your proficiency in process improvement. Your resume should reflect your expertise in optimizing operations for efficiency and productivity.

All resume examples in this guide

The best businesses have great operations managers. After all, they are the ones making sure every level of the organization functions effectively and efficiently.

If you want a company to hire you as their operations manager, your resume needs to show how you will implement strategy and impact success. But how does it stand up against other candidates?

Sure, you’ve mastered the cost-benefit analysis formula, but can you supervise and inspire team members? Will you follow the company’s guidelines and ethics at all times?

If your operations manager resume says all that, companies should be the ones competing for you.

Our guide will teach you how to create a resume that shows why you're the best operations manager they can recruit.

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Here’s what you’ll learn in this operations manager resume guide:
  • The best ways to tailor your resume to specific job applications and get hired
  • Operations manager resume examples to inspire you and get you started with your job hunt
  • How to write an experience section that sets you apart from the competition
  • What skills are most valuable when it comes to applying to an operations manager position
  • Why education and certificates are important and how they can help you land jobs

How to write a great operations manager resume

Operations management positions vary across industries.

Start by reading the job application over and over. Improve your understanding of what the hiring company is looking for.

Once you understand what the company needs, you can tailor your resume to showcase why you’re the right person for the job. This is key to keeping you in the running as recruiters sort through hundreds of resumes.

By the end of this guide, you’ll be ready with a resume that impresses hiring managers and gets interviews.

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6 essential sections in an operations manager resume

  • A header that hooks recruiters
  • A summary that keeps recruiters interested
  • Experience that proves your worth and shows your value
  • Skills that demonstrate your ability to do the job
  • Education and certifications that indicate your real investment in your career
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Your operations manager resume must highlight:

  • Your leadership experience in stepping up and taking responsibility when needed
  • Your teamwork and interpersonal skills, that ensure excellent communication within the workplace
  • Your knowledge of the company's rules and procedures, and how you're going to ensure employees' compliance with them
  • Your ability to hire, train, and supervise new staff members
  • Your potential in strategizing, planning, and executing new business plans

How to make an attractive header for your operations manager resume

The header may be the smallest section on your resume, but it’s one of the most important.

It is the first thing recruiters see and gives them a glimpse of who you are. The information is simple, but there is no room for error.

Make a fatal mistake in your header and hiring managers won’t waste their time reading any further.

Let's look at some examples of operations manager resume headers.

2 operations manager resume header examples

Edward Lemley
Operations Manager
123 Main Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60606

Although this example might seem okay, there is a lot that can be improved.

Including your full address on a resume is outdated and might show hiring managers that you’re out of touch. The city and state alone are sufficient.

Depending on the role you’re applying for, you might want to choose a more specific title than “Operations Manager.” Make it relevant to your target job or industry.

Be sure to include an email address and LinkedIn profile. They convey professionalism and give hiring managers a way to look into you further.

For the email address, make sure you’re using a popular provider like Gmail and not your current company or school.

The most professional email addresses are usually some combination of your first and last name like the following:

  • firstlast@domain.com
  • first.last@domain.com
  • flast@domain.com
  • firstl@domain.co
  • first.last@domain.com
  • f.last@domain.com
  • first.l@domain.com

Let’s take a look at another example.

Edward Lemley
Logistics Operations Manager
Chicago, IL

Notice how much better the second example is.

It contains all the information the recruiter needs to know about you in a quick and professional way.

Every section of your resume should be succinct and precise.

How to write an operations manager resume summary

Now that you’ve hooked recruiters with your header, you don’t want to lose them with your summary.

This is your first opportunity to present yourself as a qualified candidate and not someone mass-sending generic resumes to dozens of companies.

In your resume summary, the recruiter expects to learn a bit more about you and your value in the industry. Most importantly, keep it short and professional.

In 2-3 sentences, summarize your experience and career goals that mutually benefit both you and the company.

Include a few keywords from the job description and feature tangible results with exact metrics to highlight your greatest achievements.

2 operations manager resume summary examples

An Operations Manager with 5+ years of experience of working at a supply chain company. Helped with improving profits and reducing business losses. Kept high leadership and teamwork standards. Currently looking for a new operations management position to advance my career.

The summary above needs some work.

The candidate makes broad claims without specific examples or evidence. They also use generic terms that don’t mean anything of value.

Anyone can claim to have high leadership skills. Show recruiters proof through the use of solid metrics.

Let’s look at a better example below.

Operations Manager with 6 years of experience working for Vital implementing and streamlining supply chain processes. Made crucial strategic decisions that improved profit margins by 6% while cutting production losses by 14%. Demonstrated high leadership and teamwork standards that reduced staff turnover by 22%. Currently looking for a mid-level position at Flexport with room for advancement within the department.

This summary is much better because it:

  • Highlights the overlap between your work history and the new job position
  • Features your most powerful skills and work experience
  • Includes exact metrics to give hiring managers a better picture of your expertise
  • Show that your plans for the future are aligned with the company's best interest

Does your summary look like this? Then you’re on your way to a great operations manager resume.

Now let’s move on to the experience section.

How to showcase your operations manager experience in a resume

Like every other section of your operations manager resume, you want to tailor your experience section to fit your target job.

Don’t get too creative with it, and definitely don’t lie.

The key is identifying the overlap between your experience and the company’s needs, and then highlighting them to your advantage.

Do some research on your target company. What are their goals? What are the biggest challenges they're dealing with? How can you help them?

Use the job description as a guide for your experience section, but be careful not to use empty buzzwords just to echo their language. This is transparent and not a good use of keywords.

Show the relevant experience you have in the job, along with the number of years you've been doing it.

Feature your most successful projects and past achievements. Be sure to include precise metrics and data to support your claims.

Let's look at some examples.

Hotel operations manager resume sample

Operations Manager
Chicago, IL
  • Responsible for answering inquiries pertaining to company policies and services
  • Assisted with customer service and resolution of client problems.
  • Maintained up to date reports, business records, and files.

If you’ve been following along, you already know what’s wrong with the bullets in the example above.

This is basically a list of generic job responsibilities for an operations manager.

Every qualified applicant is going to have an experience like this. You need to demonstrate your unique achievements and success. Use real examples of specific projects, awards, and metrics.

Let’s make some improvements and take a look at the example below.

Hotel Operations Manager
Chicago, IL
  • Made recommendations for customer service improvements that lead to $2M increase in annual revenue.
  • Supervised all planning and budgeting procedures to keep expenses within budget guidelines and ensure compliance with company policies
  • Increase staff productivity by 18% while reducing turnover rate staff by 25% through continuous teamwork and collaboration training

This is a huge improvement.

The title has been updated to match the target role.

The sentences begin with direct action verbs that show clear causality. The bullets are specific to the position and convey past success.

Each sentence contains a metric along with the exact job duties and skills that lead to a measurable achievement.

Here's another excellent example of an operations manager resume experience section.

Logistics Operations Manager
Chicago, IL
  • Improved profit margins by 6% while cutting production losses by 14% through strong service and sales approach
  • Hired, trained, and supervised 18 employees to comply with company procedures and security measures
  • Recommended business changes to higher management through customer feedback analysis and daily reports.

Writing a strong operations manager resume skills section

The skills you list on your resume will vary based on the target job and industry.

There are skills that are important for all operations managers to have and others that are industry-specific. Include a mix of both as you write your skills section.

Operations management requires leadership, problem-solving, and communication.

If the job you’re applying for is in the tech sector, it may be valuable to show software and programming skills.

Your job skills reflect your style of management in the workplace, as well as the results you'll be able to achieve.

Successful operations management is about order and responsibility. It enhances productivity and ensures high-quality work is delivered.

You should also differentiate between hard skills and soft skills.

Like every other section on your resume, tailor your skills to match your target job.

Below is an example of how to format your skills on a resume.

How to list core skills on an operations manager resume

Supply Chain Management
Product design

If you can’t decide which of your skills to focus on, choose the ones that are most relevant to the job and highlight your strengths.

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Most important operations manager core skills for your resume

  • Planning and reporting
  • Budgeting
  • Supply chain management
  • Product design
  • Product management
  • Data processing
  • Strategic analysis

How to describe soft skills for an operations manager’s resume

Soft skills generally require more explanation than hard skills. Be sure that the soft skills you list are supported with evidence.

For example, if you list “time management” as a soft skill, you might want to include an example in your experience section like “Managed operations for 3 departments that exceeded production goals by 17% in the last quarter.”

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Best operations manager soft skills for your resume

  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • Customer-oriented
  • Detail-oriented
  • Problem-solving
  • Analytical skills
  • Time management
  • Teamwork
  • Negotiation
  • Critical thinking

What to include in an operations manager education section

Always include your educational background in your resume, even if the hiring company doesn’t specifically request it.

The education requirements for operations management positions will vary depending on level and industry.

The majority of hiring companies require at least a bachelor's degree in one of these fields:

  • Operations Management
  • Business Administration
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Logistics and operations
  • Supply chain management

Industry-specific degrees may be required depending on the field. For example, an engineering background might be required for a company that specializes in manufacturing solutions.

Senior roles might require a bachelor’s, an MBA, or some combination of education and work experience.

Here is an example of how to format your education section.

Bachelor of Business Administration
Loyola University Chicago

As seen in the example above, the education section is fairly simple.

In most cases, just the name of the school and degree is sufficient. You might want to consider omitting the dates attended depending on how long ago they were.

The best way to list operations manager certificates in a resume

Certificates can be a huge plus to your resume, especially if you’re lacking in the educational background or industry knowledge.

Including a certification in a niche field that you’re entering shows dedication and willingness to learn.

Only list certificates that are relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Certificates promote you as a dedicated operations manager and show that you're working hard to advance your career.

Here is an example of certificates on an operations manager resume.

Certified Operations Manager 2013

The format is straightforward. Include the name of the certification, the issuing authority, and the date.

Below is a list of the most popular certificates for operations managers:

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Top #5 operations manager certificates for your resume

  • Principles of Operations Management (APICS)
  • Six Sigma Green Belt (CSSGB)
  • Certified Operations Manager (COM)
  • Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP)
  • Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM)

Just like every operations manager position is different, everyone has a unique combination of skills and experience. Sometimes they don’t fit perfectly onto a standard resume.

If you have the experience that helps you stand out from other candidates like language skills, volunteer work, or even relevant hobbies, you might want to consider adding other sections to your resume.

Now you’re ready to apply what you’ve learned from this guide and create an operations manager resume that gets interviews!

Key takeaways for creating an outstanding operations manager resume:

  • Read the job offer carefully and try to identify the most essential keywords to use in your resume

  • Make your header and summary sections short yet engaging to keep recruiters glued to your resume

  • Highlight your operations management experience section by using solid metrics and real examples

  • Showcase your strongest soft and hard skills and keep them relevant to the target job

  • Always feature your certificates and career achievements to stand out from the rest of the competition.

Operations Manager resume examples

Explore additional operations manager resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

By Experience

Entry-Level Operations Manager

For an Entry-Level Operations Manager, highlight any internships or project experiences related to operations and process management. Emphasize on your understanding of operational efficiency, staff management, and financial oversight. Even without substantial experience, show your potential through academic or internship projects, like 'streamlined an academic project by…', 'optimized process workflow during internship by…' etc.
View Entry-Level Operations Manager Resume

Experienced Operations Manager

If you're an Experienced Operations Manager, your background in managing various operation aspects at once is vital. Emphasize your abilities in supervising different teams and departments, detailing your leadership and management skills, and include clear signs of successes. Highlight past experiences in enhancing operational processes. Discuss the changes you've made and the consequent improvements in efficiency or productivity. Demonstrate your strategic planning skills along with cost reduction techniques. Offer factual evidence about significant financial improvements like income growth or expense deduction. Go beyond just naming your achievements; briefly explain how you met departmental goals via skilled operations management.

Senior Operations Manager

For the Senior Operations Manager post, your vast experience in operational management should be highlighted. Bring attention to your strategic planning skills, leadership capabilities, and process optimization knowledge. Exhibit your successes in augmenting operational efficiency, business growth, or cost savings, using phrases such as 'amplified business growth by…', 'reduced company-wide operational costs by…' and so forth.
View Senior Operations Manager Resume

Senior Clinical Operations Manager

Applying for the role of Senior Clinical Operations Manager requires showcasing experience and skills in clinical trials, process development, and management of large-scale trials and teams. Also important is demonstration of maintaining ethical standards and regulatory compliance, possibly through mention of successful audits. Highlight leadership and decision-making skills and their impact on clinical operations. Don't just list skills - provide actual examples of how positive clinical outcomes and improved patient care were result of your influence.

By Role

Ad Operations Manager

Ad Operations Manager position majorly evolves from the digital advertising industry. Thus, the trends in digital advertising have a significant impact on Ad Operations Manager applications. Ground-breaking knowledge of various ad tech platforms and programmatic advertising is crucial. Highlight extensively about your expertise in ad trafficking, campaign management, and revenue tracking. Emphasize on your aptitude to drive campaign performance by quoting examples. Include statements like 'boosted campaign performance by optimizing...', 'increased revenue by...'. Highlight your experience in working with cross-functional teams to improve overall operational efficiency.
View Ad Operations Manager Resume

Assistant Operations Manager

For an Assistant Operations Manager, a background in business or process management is key. Highlight experiences in team management, operations oversight, and strategic contributions. These roles often need you to be hands-on in all the operational aspects. Therefore, underline practical knowledge in workflow designs, process improvements, and quality standards. Recount instances where your initiatives led to enhanced productivity, cost savings, or efficiency improvements. Include phrases such as 'improved team productivity by...', 'achieved cost efficiency through...' and others.
View Assistant Operations Manager Resume

Branch Operations Manager

The role of a Branch Operations Manager often comes from banking or retail backgrounds, so your application must bring focus to your relevant experience. Highlight your expertise in overseeing daily branch operations, staff management, and process optimization. Bring attention to your track record in maintaining high branch standards, improving customer satisfaction, and meeting branch objectives. Make clear-cut references to examples that demonstrate your achievements including instances like 'boosted customer retention by...', 'drove branch revenue up by...' and so forth.
View Branch Operations Manager Resume

Business Operations Manager

When applying for a Business Operations Manager role, your background in business management or operations is essential. Point out your proficiencies in process optimization, strategic planning, and financial oversight. Draw attention to your accomplishments in the streamlining operations, increasing revenue, or cost savings. Do not simply list your skills, but showcase how they have resulted in actionable outcomes such as 'optimized business efficiency by…', 'cut down operational costs by…' etc.
View Business Operations Manager Resume

Director Of Operations

The aspirations for a Director of Operations role usually involve extensive experience in operational management. Your application should emphasize on proficiency in strategic planning, process improvization and cross-functional leadership. Highlight your accomplishments in streamlining operations, augmenting productivity, or revenue growth. Using phrases like 'achieved company-wide operational efficiency by…', 'expanded company revenue by…', would strike a lasting impression.
View Director Of Operations Resume

Fedex Operations Manager

Specifically for a FedEx Operations Manager role, your application should draw attention to your experience in logistics or delivery operations. Point out your insights about managing timely deliveries, route optimizations and staff management. Bring to light any instances where you successfully reduced delivery times, improved route efficiency, or enhanced customer satisfaction by using statements like 'reduced delivery time by…', 'increased customer happiness index by…', and so on.
View Fedex Operations Manager Resume

Financial Operations Manager

The Financial Operations Manager role typically takes root from a strong financial or accounting background. Thus, your resume should illuminate your expertise in financial management, budgeting, and regulatory compliance. Bring to focus examples of your effective strategies that have resulted in cost savings, revenue growth, or improved financial accuracy and compliance. Allege facts through statements like 'enhanced revenue by…', 'achieved company-wide financial compliance by…' etc.
View Financial Operations Manager Resume

Healthcare Operations Manager

Applying for a Healthcare Operations Manager role, your background and proficiency in healthcare services and clinical operations becomes the highlight. Assert emphasis on skills like process implementation, regulatory compliance, and staff management. Showcase instances of improved patient satisfaction, regulatory adherence or cost optimization through statements like 'increased patient satisfaction by...', 'adhered to regulatory norms by...', 'reduced operational costs by...' and so on.
View Healthcare Operations Manager Resume

Mortgage Operations Manager

In the application for the Mortgage Operations Manager role, your experience in mortgage processing and financial services should shine. Your adeptness in mortgage origination, loan servicing, and internal auditing should be focused. Showcase your successes in enhancing process accuracy, reduction in process turnaround time or improved client satisfaction using phrases such as 'improved loan processing accuracy by…', 'reduced process turnaround time by…' etc.
View Mortgage Operations Manager Resume

Regional Operations Manager

As a Regional Operations Manager, your background in managing multiple business entities across a region should be highlighted. Stress on your capabilities in managing operations, defining regional strategies, and team management. Demonstrate instances of your valuable contribution to regional growth, operational efficiency, or cost savings by using statements like 'drove regional growth by…', 'enhanced operational efficiency of regional branches by…' etc.
View Regional Operations Manager Resume

Restaurant Operations Manager

Being a Restaurant Operations Manager necessitates a strong hospitality or restaurant management background. Highlight your expertise in managing restaurant operations, staff management, and customer service. Accentuate how your initiatives improved restaurant efficiency, increased customer satisfaction, or boosted restaurant revenue with statements like 'reduced food waste by…', 'improved customer reviews by…' and the like.
View Restaurant Operations Manager Resume

Transportation Operations Manager

The Transportation Operations Manager position necessitates a strong logistics or transport operations background. Special emphasis must be on your knowledge about route planning, fleet management, and logistic operations. Showcase how your undertakings have led to improvements in route efficiency, timely deliveries, or customer satisfaction, through statements like 'boosted route efficiency by…', 'increased on-time delivery rate by…' and so on.
View Transportation Operations Manager Resume

Operations Manager Trainee

The Operations Manager Trainee role requires a strong business management academic background. You should show your understanding of management principles and practices like production, materials management, and quality assurance, referring to any real experience you have. It's beneficial to mention any project management experience or familiarity and it's crucial to demonstrate your familiarity with budgeting, financial principles, and software use to show you can manage varied operations. Instead of just listing your knowledge, be sure to add weight to your skills by quantifying your achievements in operations such as time saved on projects or money saved on costs. Use a 'knowledge-action-impact' approach in your application.

Distribution Operations Manager

As a Distribution Operations Manager applicant, your expertise in logistics and supply chain management is key. It is important to highlight your familiarity with distribution and warehousing, as well as your ability to make these operations more efficient. Provide brief instances where you've improved distribution efficiency with the use of metrics and mention key KPIs that led to improvements like less delivery times or reduced transportation costs. You should also indicate your understanding of regulatory compliances and any audits you've done. Rather than simply listing your skills, provide real examples of successfully at-handling distribution obstacles.

E-Commerce Operations Manager

As an E-Commerce Operations Manager, your application should highlight a blend of your technical and management skills. Highlight your experience with e-commerce platforms and digital marketing strategies, showing practical applications of these insights to guide online businesses. Also accentuate your proficiency in website management, SEO, and online analytics, providing specifics on how they’ve been used to boost sales or enhance customer experience. Include your expertise in streamlining e-commerce operations, sharing ways you've ensured efficient order fulfillment, inventory management, and top-notch customer service. Showcase your skills not just as a list, but in tangible examples of how you've improved online business operations.

People Operations Manager

A People Operations Manager role requires a background primarily in Human Resources. Highlight your proficiency in people management, company culture building, and HR processes. Spotlight your achievements in improving employee retention, boosting employee satisfaction, or enhancing HR efficiency with statements like 'improved employee retention rate by…', 'enhanced HR process efficiency by…' and so on.
View People Operations Manager Resume
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Volen Vulkov
Volen Vulkov is a resume expert and the co-founder of Enhancv. He has written more than 500 resume guides and deep-dive articles on how to create your resume and cover letter, that inspire job applicants to make a resume to be proud of. His work has been featured in Forbes, Zendesk, HubSpot, and Business Insider, and cited by top universities and educational institutions, like Thunderbird School of Management, Rochester University, University of Miami, and Udemy. Volen applies his deep knowledge and practical experience to write about career changes, development, and how to stand out in the job application process.
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