What did Microsoft's Marketing Manager learn from Enhancv

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Pub: 1/17/2017
Upd: 10/21/2024
3 min read

Enhanced Lives is a series which aims to put our customers in the spotlight. In a short interview, we ask about their background, the experience they had with Enhancv and how it helped to improve their career.

Our fourth star is André, a Marketing Manager at Microsoft. He’s a growth marketing enthusiast and adrenaline lover. He used Enhancv to create a more visual resume that would represent him as both professional and individual. How did our platform help him do that?

Hi André, can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Hey, I am André and I’m originally from Lisbon. I have lived in Poland and in the UK during the last 10 years. I have a Master’s Degree in Strategic Marketing and I love everything about growth/startup marketing. At the moment, I work as a Marketing Manager at Microsoft where I am focusing on taking the best of Windows 10 to the education target segment.

Outside of my professional bubble, I am an extreme sports junky. I love surfing, skiing, wakeboarding, you name it. It helps me have a higher sense of reality and taught me that fear is actually a good thing to have. I am also a big fan of football. I was a captain of a football team – Estoril Praia in Portugal and we won a National Championship together – great times!

Andre microsoft resume

What was the reason you created your resume?

I wasn’t looking for a job. But I like to keep my resume up to date in case something worth applying for appears and I’d need one right away. Up to this point, my resume looked like the basic university template with no flair. It was just too average, and I don’t like average!

CTA Enhancv

One day I was browsing through my LinkedIn wall and stumbled upon a post with Marissa Mayer’s resume. As a marketer, the amount of likes/shares it had impressed me but not only that. I instantly thought – ‘’I need something like that!’’. So I went to the website and signed up. I’m very happy with my resume now. It simply ticks all the boxes: visual yet professional, great sections, easy to use and creative.

Andre resume

What do you like about Enhancv? Did you learn anything from it?

The main thing I love about Enhancv is that it’s super easy to use and I can set up a resume in literally a few minutes. If I need to make any changes, I just go to my profile and add/delete what’s necessary within a few clicks.

And what did I learn from Enhancv? I learned that we don’t always need to listen to what all university career departments say. Just go with something fresh that catches the eye. And by that I don’t only mean the layout. The sections Enhancv offers – such as the ‘’Most Proud Of’’ one are great. This lets you show your personality and qualities employers look for nowadays.

Create your human-centric resume with Enhancv now!

I also got a positive feedback from many of my friends and colleagues at Microsoft. As it’s an unusual resume, I wanted to see what they thought and sent it to them. And they all loved it! They thought the resume was easy to read, and they appreciated the fact that you can tailor the colors of the resume to the colors of the company you’re applying for (like red for Vodafone). Oh, and all of them would hire me, which is great!

Andre resume 4

What message would you send to other job seekers out there?

To find your dream job is a huge challenge. Except using a different and fresh-looking resume, always use your network when looking for new opportunities. It won’t get you a job straight away, but it will open more doors. Then, you just need to prove what you are capable of.

Oh, and surely try out Enhancv platform. It totally rocks!

I would like to thank André for sharing his experience with us. It means a lot and we hope it will motivate many others to get started and upgrade to more human-centric and performance-based resumes.

If you’d like to contribute to Enhanced Lives series and share your achievements with others, send me a message. I look forward to hearing from you 🙂

Make your move!
Your resume is an extension of yourself.
Make one that's truly you.
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Tatiana Rehmova
A glass half-full kind of a girl and a believer that everything happens for a reason. Loves writing, editing and researching the newest ways of doing things.
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