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2 Billing Manager Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

As a billing manager, your resume must showcase your proficiency in billing systems and procedures. Detail your ability to streamline the billing process to ensure accuracy and efficiency. Ensure you highlight your experience with leading a billing team. Demonstrate your skill in implementing strategies that reduce errors and optimize revenue collection.

As a billing manager, you might struggle to articulate the complexity of your financial oversight and customer interaction in a concise resume. Our guide offers expert advice on how to highlight your multitasking and analytical skills effectively, ensuring your resume stands out to potential employers.

This expert guide on writing your billing manager resume provides you with leading recruitment insight, industry examples, and so much more. Here are some of the things we'll show you:
  • Which sections do you need to include in your resume to meet recruiters' requirements;
  • How to write your billing manager resume experience section - even if you have don't have little to no work experience;
  • Real-life professional examples to guide you how to write the most important billing manager resume sections;
  • Adding even more sections so your billing manager resume stands out with professionalism and your personality.

We've also selected some of the best (and most relevant) resume guides for the billing manager role you're applying for:

Billing Manager resume format made simple

You don't need to go over the top when it comes to creativity in your Billing Manager resume format .

What recruiters care about more is the legibility of your Billing Manager resume, alongside the relevancy of your application to the role.

That's why we're presenting you with four simple steps that could help your professional presentation check all the right boxes:

  • The reverse-chronological resume format is the one for you, if you happen to have plenty of relevant (and recent) professional experience you'd like to showcase. This format follows a pretty succinct logic and puts the focus on your experience.
  • Keep your header simple with your contact details; a headline that details the role you're applying for or your current job; and a link to your portfolio.
  • Ensure your resume reaches an up-to-two-page limit, only if you happen to be applying for a more senior role or you have over a decade of relevant experience.
  • Save your Billing Manager resume as a PDF to retain its structure and presentation.

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List all your relevant higher education degrees within your resume in reverse chronological order (starting with the latest). There are cases when your PhD in a particular field could help you stand apart from other candidates.

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Ensure your billing manager resume stands out with these mandatory sections:

  • Header - the section recruiters look to find your contact details, portfolio, and potentially, your current role
  • Summary or objective - where your achievements could meet your career goals
  • Experience - showcasing you have the technical (and personal) know-how for the role
  • Skills - further highlighting capabilities that matter most to the billing manager advert and your application
  • Certifications/Education - staying up-to-date with industry trends
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What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Proven experience with medical billing software and electronic medical records (EMR) systems.
  • Understanding of healthcare billing processes, including insurance claims, patient billing, collections, and reimbursement procedures.
  • Demonstrated ability to manage and lead a billing department, including staff supervision and training.
  • Strong knowledge of medical coding, including ICD-10, CPT, and HCPCS codes, as well as compliance with HIPAA regulations.
  • Expertise in financial reporting, revenue cycle analysis, and the implementation of billing process improvements.

What to include in the experience section of your billing manager resume

The resume experience section is perhaps the most important element in your application as it needs to showcase how your current profile matches the job.

While it may take some time to perfect your billing manager experience section, here are five tips to keep in mind when writing yours:

  • Assess the advert to make a list of key requirements and look back on how each of your past jobs answers those;
  • Don't just showcase you know a particular skill, instead, you need proof in the form of tangible results (e.g. numbers, percent, etc.);
  • It's perfectly fine to leave off experience items that don't bring anything extra to your skill set or application;
  • Recruiters want to understand what the particular value is of working with you, so instead of solely featuring technologies, think about including at least one bullet that's focused on your soft skills;
  • Take care with wording each bullet to demonstrate what you've achieved, using a particular skill, and an action verb.

The below billing manager resume examples can help guide you to curate your professional experience, following industry-leading tips and advice.

Work Experience
Senior Billing Operations Manager
MediHealth Solutions
  • Streamlined billing processes by implementing a new electronic billing system, reducing invoice errors by 25%.
  • Led a team of 8 billing specialists to manage account receivables for a large healthcare provider, improving cash flow by 15%.
  • Negotiated with insurance companies and resolved complicated claim disputes, which increased claim acceptance rates by 20%.
Work Experience
Billing Department Manager
Comprehensive Care Partners
  • Developed and maintained billing policies and procedures, ensuring compliance with state and federal regulations.
  • Managed monthly billing for over 5,000 accounts, consistently maintaining a 98% accuracy rate.
  • Oversaw the transition to an automated billing system that reduced processing time by 30%, boosting department efficiency.
Work Experience
Managed Care Billing Lead
Family Health Network
  • Conducted comprehensive audits on billing activities, identifying and addressing inefficiencies, which saved the company $50,000 annually.
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction by implementing a client inquiry response system that cut down response times by 40%.
  • Played a key role in the integration of billing systems post-merger, ensuring a seamless transition for client invoicing.
Work Experience
Corporate Billing Supervisor
Allied Business Services
  • Managed a portfolio of over 200 business accounts and reduced average days in accounts receivable from 45 to 30 days.
  • Collaborated with sales and operations teams to establish clear billing protocols for complex service contracts.
  • Trained 10 new billing clerks, imparting advanced knowledge of modern billing practices and software, and ensuring consistent service delivery.
Work Experience
Accounts Receivable & Billing Manager
TechFlow Solutions
  • Established a new invoicing system that decreased manual entry by 35%, resulting in fewer human errors and more timely payments.
  • Oversaw the processing and submission of over 15,000 invoices per month with a team of 12 billing representatives.
  • Created a customer communication strategy to expedite outstanding payments, which reduced the average payment period by 20 days.
Work Experience
Information Systems Billing Coordinator
InnovaTech Providers
  • Coordinated with cross-functional teams to ensure accurate and efficient client billing operations for IT services.
  • Implemented a quality control system that led to a significant reduction in billing discrepancies by 18% during the fiscal year.
  • Developed a series of advanced billing reports to aid executive decision-making and long-term strategic planning.
Work Experience
Healthcare Billing Specialist Supervisor
Global HealthCorp
  • Identified and rectified a critical billing error that affected high-profile accounts, preventing potential loss of key clients.
  • Introduced a customer-centric billing approach, involving detailed billing explanations, which led to a 10% improvement in client satisfaction scores.
  • Managed and resolved over 150 complex billing issues monthly while upholding high levels of accuracy and efficiency.
Work Experience
Healthcare Billing and Revenue Cycle Manager
Prestige Health Services
  • Designed a comprehensive training program for billing staff that increased departmental productivity by 20%.
  • Spearheaded an initiative to digitalize patient billing records, enhancing data retrieval times by 50% and reducing paper waste.
  • Successfully negotiated with software vendors to implement a cutting-edge billing system, aligning with the company's technological advancement goals.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • List the total amount of revenue you've managed and its relationship to the company's overall financial performance.
  • Specify the number of billing cycles you've streamlined or improved and the average time/cost savings per cycle.
  • Highlight the percentage by which you reduced errors in billing through enhanced quality control measures.
  • Document any increase in customer satisfaction scores related to billing, quoting actual percentage growth.
  • Detail the size of the billing teams you've supervised and the positive outcomes of your leadership.
  • Mention any billing systems or software you've implemented and the impact on efficiency in quantifiable terms.
  • State the number of complex billing disputes you've resolved and their effect on customer retention.
  • Include the amount of training sessions or workshops you've led to improve billing department skills.

Action verbs for your billing manager resume

Action verbs (also known as power verbs) are great for describing your achievements and responsibilities. They highlight your skills and show you’re able to take responsibility. Use these gems to make your experience section shine!
Read The Guide

Billing Manager resume without experience: a walk-through guide

If you don't happen to have any relevant experience yet, you can substitute this with:

  • Short-term gigs and stunts - like month-long internships, that you have done during your university days
  • Contract work - be specific about the relevance and outcomes of each role you include
  • Resume format that prioritizes your skills - the functional-skill-based format or hybrid format could work
  • Research roles - feature those especially prominently if you've participated in a noteworthy project or your role was of utmost importance to the project's success.
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Showcase any ongoing or recent educational efforts to stay updated in your field.

Key hard skills and soft skills for your billing manager resume

At the top of any recruiter billing manager checklist, you'd discover a list of technical competencies, balanced with personal skills.

Hard or technical skills are your opportunity to show how you meet the essential responsibilities of the role. The ability to use a particular job-crucial technology or software would also hint to recruiters whether you'd need a prolonged period of on-the-job training - or you'd fit right in the job.

But to land your dream role, you'd also need to demonstrate a variety of soft or people resume skills . Employers care about soft skills as they show how each candidate would fit into the team and company culture.

Both types of skills are specific and to best curate them on your resume, you'd need to:

  • Create a skill section within which you showcase your hard and soft skills and present how they help you succeed.
  • List specific examples of projects, tasks, or competitions, within which your skill set has assisted your results.
  • Soft skills are harder to measure, so think about situations in which they've helped you thrive. Describe those situations concisely, focusing on how the outcome has helped you grow as a professional.
  • Metrics of success - like positive ROI or optimized workplace processes - are the best way to prove your technical and people skills.

Take a look at some of billing manager industry leaders' favorite hard skills and soft skills, as listed on their resumes.

Top skills for your billing manager resume:

Accounting principles knowledge

Billing systems proficiency

Financial reporting

Understanding of legal compliance

Medical billing (if relevant)

Data analysis

Use of accounting software


Accounts receivable management

Spreadsheet expertise


Communication skills


Attention to detail


Time management

Customer service orientation



Conflict resolution


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If you failed to obtain one of the certificates, as listed in the requirements, but decide to include it on your resume, make sure to include a note somewhere that you have the "relevant training, but are planning to re-take the exams". Support this statement with the actual date you're planning to be re-examined. Always be honest on your resume.

The billing manager resume sections you may underestimate: certifications and education

Your education and certifications provide insight into both your technical capabilities and personal attributes, such as perseverance. When crafting your billing manager resume, consider how you present these elements:

  • For your higher education degrees, prioritize listing those most relevant to the job or indicative of your academic dedication;
  • Include applicable coursework as a stand-in for relevant experience or if it might impress recruiters;
  • Include incomplete higher education only if it's pertinent to meeting job requirements;
  • If your degree is from a renowned university, mention how often you made the Dean's list to underline academic excellence.

Regarding certifications, it's not necessary to list all of them. Instead, match up to three of your most recent or significant certificates with the technical skills required in the job description.

Below, we've selected some of the top industry certifications that could be vital additions to your billing manager resume.

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The top 5 certifications for your billing manager resume:

  1. Certified Professional Biller (CPB) - American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC)
  2. Certified Medical Reimbursement Specialist (CMRS) - American Medical Billing Association (AMBA)
  3. Healthcare Financial Management Association Certified Revenue Cycle Representative (HFMA CRCR) - Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA)
  4. Certified Clinic Account Technician (CCAT) - American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management (AAHAM)
  5. Certified Revenue Cycle Executive (CRCE) - American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management (AAHAM)
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If you happen to have some basic certificates, don't invest too much of your billing manager resume real estate in them. Instead, list them within the skills section or as part of your relevant experience. This way you'd ensure you meet all job requirements while dedicating your certificates to only the most in-demand certification across the industry.

Choosing between a billing manager resume summary or objective

Many may argue that, in recent times, the billing manager resume summary or objective has become completely obsolete.

But the reality is different as both of these resume sections provide you with an opportunity to :

  • integrate billing manager-vital keywords
  • showcase your accomplishments
  • answer why you're applying for this particular role.

The difference (between the summary and the objective) is that the:

We recommend you select the summary if you happen to have plenty of experience you'd like to spotlight from the very start of your billing manager resume.

Meanwhile, the objective is ideal for those candidates who'd like to further prove their suitability for the role with their goals and soft skills.

We've featured some industry professional billing manager resume samples to the best resume summary and objective structures:

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Resume summaries for a billing manager job

  • Accomplished billing manager with over 10 years of experience in streamlining billing operations, enhancing revenue cycle management, and leading teams in high-paced healthcare facilities. Excel at implementing effective billing strategies, with a proven record of reducing delinquencies by 30% and improving cash flow.
  • Dedicated financial professional eager to leverage a decade of account management expertise to transition into the billing management sector. Known for meticulous attention to detail, application of data-driven billing solutions, and a strong track record in increasing client retention by 25% in a competitive sales environment.
  • Seasoned IT project manager seeking a new challenge in the billing management field, bringing 15 years of project oversight, relentless pursuit of process optimization, and a deep understanding of database and accounting software. Successfully managed multimillion-dollar budgets and delivered projects that yielded a 20% increase in operational efficiency.
  • Passionate about starting a career in billing management, boasting a fresh perspective backed by a recent MBA with a focus on financial analytics. Keen on applying cutting-edge financial models to streamline billing systems and support the financial health of a dynamic organization.
  • Eager to embark on a billing management journey, armed with a B.S. in Accounting and hands-on experience in customer service roles. Driven by a strong aptitude for numbers and a dedication to learn industry-leading billing practices to contribute to the financial success of a forward-thinking team.

Other relevant sections for your billing manager resume

Apart from the standard billing manager resume sections listed in this guide, you have the opportunity to get creative with building your profile. Select additional resume sections that you deem align with the role, department, or company culture. Good choices for your billing manager resume include:

  • Language skills - always ensure that you have qualified each language you speak according to relevant frameworks;
  • Hobbies - you could share more about your favorite books, how you spend your time, etc. ;
  • Volunteering - to highlight the causes you care about;
  • Awards - for your most prominent billing manager professional accolades and achievements.

Make sure that these sections don't take too much away from your experience, but instead build up your billing manager professional profile.

Key takeaways

  • Ensure your billing manager resume uses a simple, easy-to-read format that reflects upon your experience and aligns with the role;
  • Be specific within the top one-third of your resume (header and summary or objective) to pinpoint what makes you the ideal candidate for the billing manager role;
  • Curate information that is tailored to the job by detailing skills, achievements, and actual outcomes of your efforts;
  • List your certifications and technical capabilities to demonstrate your aptitude with specific software and technologies;
  • The sections you decide on including on your billing manager should pinpoint your professional expertise and personality.

Billing Manager resume examples

Explore additional billing manager resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

By Role

Billing Specialist

As a Billing Specialist, your skills should be rooted in finance, account receivable, and data entry. Efficient use of billing systems like QuickBooks or Microsoft Dynamics is key, along with knowledge of financial principles, debt management, and credit control. To stand out, don't just list these skills but provide examples of how they enhanced efficiency or accuracy in billing procedures. High-speed typing and precision should be part of your data entry skills, and your attention to detail could prevent mistakes in billing processes. No less important are your customer service skills to manage billing-related queries or complaints effectively. Utilize the 'skill-action-results' format to quantify your accomplishments in previous roles.
View Billing Specialist Resume
billing manager resume example

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Volen Vulkov
Volen Vulkov is a resume expert and the co-founder of Enhancv. He has written more than 500 resume guides and deep-dive articles on how to create your resume and cover letter, that inspire job applicants to make a resume to be proud of. His work has been featured in Forbes, Zendesk, HubSpot, and Business Insider, and cited by top universities and educational institutions, like Thunderbird School of Management, Rochester University, University of Miami, and Udemy. Volen applies his deep knowledge and practical experience to write about career changes, development, and how to stand out in the job application process.
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