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9 AWS Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

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All resume examples in this guide

A few weeks ago I asked my friend Aria to tell me more about the challenging moments of her AWS job.

Apparently, things get really hectic just before the Black Friday and Christmas holidays. Apart from the day-to-day operations, that is.


Of course, because people start mass-buying. Each and every order must get to its rightful owner in time.

Which usually means all websites and systems must be operational.

As Aria put it, “There is no room for error or downtimes.”

The more we talked, the more she revealed all the many pitfalls one can fall into.

Naturally, I asked her many questions about her AWS resume and the interview process.

Aria admitted she had her doubts. Even with the certificates she had acquired. But she persevered and her efforts paid off.

And how did she do it?

Read Aria’s story and her journey of becoming an AWS Solutions Architect.

Here is What You Can Expect in This In-Depth AWS Resume Guide

  • Which resume formats are suitable for you and which are favored by recruiters
  • What makes an AWS resume give off all the right signals to hiring managers
  • How to write a winning resume objective or summary
  • How to tailor the experience section so you match the job description requirements
  • How to show off both your hard and soft skills
  • Which certificates are key for securing an AWS job
  • What else can you include in your resume to present a well-rounded personal story

Building your AWS resume: Setting up the architecture

Similar to cloud computing, your base is a blank piece of paper. You have to lay some groundwork before you start writing.

First, you need to consider the resume layout.

For more skilled professionals, it’s preferable to use the reverse-chronological format. The reverse-chronological layout is the traditional one most hiring managers are used to.

Why is it suitable for AWS specialists?

It emphasizes context and substance. Simply put, it zeroes in on how and where you’ve applied your skills. Remember, context is important.

What about less skilled professionals?

Your best options are the functional or the hybrid resume layouts. The main difference between these two is the focus and scope of experience you include.

The hybrid format is more fitted for those of you who have less than 2 years of experience.


Because it creates a nice balance between your skills and your experience.

Sure, you may have dabbled in other cloud computing platforms. You may even have one AWS project under your belt and you want to develop your skills further.

That’s why you need to show equal parts abilities and application. Display what you’ve done so far, as well as how you see your career path progress from here on out.

“But what if I have absolutely no experience in AWS?”, I hear you ask.

The functional resume should be your format of choice.


Cloud computing is only part of your skill set. No one goes into the field before getting into programming in general.

If you’ve only just obtained your AWS certificates, you won’t be able to show your skills in context. But this doesn’t mean you don’t have other valuable abilities.

Highlight how your other talents fit into the grand scheme of things. Show the extent of your skills and how you’ve applied them in real life.

Now that you know which resume format to choose, here is how to divide it:

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Indispensable sections for your AWS resume:

  • An error-free header to list your basic contact information and portfolio links
  • A resume objective or summary to impress hiring managers
  • An experience section to feature where and how you’ve applied your skills
  • A skills section to display the wide variety of skills you have
  • An education and certificates box where you include your most relevant qualifications
  • Other sections you can add to supplement your resume

It doesn’t sound very difficult, does it?

On what to include in each of these sections, think about the questions in the table below.

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What are hiring managers searching for in an AWS candidate:

  • What is your general approach to problem-solving? How comfortable are you with using alternative tools to fix issues?
  • How do you make sure AWS resources are handled well?
  • Do you keep track of project budgets? How do you ensure you’re not overpaying? Do you know how to rectify such cases?
  • How do you tackle down-times? Can you plan and create processes which cut down-time?
  • Are there any factors you need to consider when migrating to AWS? What are they?
  • What steps do you take to maintain the security of your infrastructure?
  • How well do you meet your clients’ requirements? How quick are you about it?

These are the issues you need to address before you move onto the technical interviews.

Common mistakes to avoid in your AWS resume header

You may be thinking: What’s so special about a resume header?

After all, it’s a small box with your most basic information. But this little box can say a lot about you. Even about your soft skills.

There are two things you need to remember about resume headers:

  • The details you provide have to be up to date
  • Make sure there aren’t any missing bits or typos

One habit Aria has is to keep snippets from her progress in everything she does. She gracefully showed me her first resume draft and the final version she sent out to recruiters.

Let’s look at them side by side.

2 aws resume header examples

First, have a look at Aria’s initial attempt at writing her resume.

Aria Graham

It seems she hastily filled this part of her resume.

Possibly because she was rushing to focus on the meatier sections.

But each resume section requires your undivided attention. Just like any part of a cloud computing infrastructure.

So, what are Aria’s mistakes? Well, she hasn’t:

  • Included a specific job title. Yes, she works with AWS, but there are different AWS specializations. Be specific.
  • Provided a phone number, where she can be reached. Hiring managers need to be able to reach you to schedule an interview.
  • Mentioned where in New York she resides. Recruiters need this information, even if the position they offer is remote.
  • Listed a link to her LinkedIn profile or online portfolio.

Take a look at the final version of her resume:

Aria Graham
AWS Solutions Architect
Brooklyn, NY

Now we can see what type of AWS work Aria does.

I was curious about why she referenced her LinkedIn profile and not an online portfolio. When asked, Aria said she was updating and polishing her existing ones.

She was afraid to show incomplete work.

So, if you’re uncertain about your GitHub or Kaggle projects, go with your LinkedIn. But don’t get discouraged from presenting your portfolio work. Even if it’s unfinished.

Hiring managers want to see the scope of your abilities.

More importantly, they want to know where your professional interests lie. And what your problem-solving approach is, of course

What Makes a Compelling AWS Resume Summary Recruiters Can’t Resist

Next comes the resume summary. Or objective, depending on your circumstances.

What’s the difference?

The resume objective is used by college grads or those who change their career path.

By contrast, the resume summary is reserved for those with more experience in the AWS field.

Regardless of which one you have to write, it’s all about how persuasive you can be.

Both the objective and the summary aim to impress hiring managers. Use no more than 4-5 sentences and mention your biggest achievements.

2 AWS resume summary examples."

Let’s continue with the samples provided by Aria:

Detail-oriented AWS specialist of 5+ years. Worked in the postal and express delivery industries. Skilled in Java.

There isn’t much attention to detail, is there?

In her attempt to include everything succinctly, Aria left out important details. She hasn’t:

  • Indicated her AWS specialization
  • Specified how many years she’s done AWS work for
  • Added other technical skills, achievements or certificates

One good point about this summary is that Aria has included the business niche she’s operating in. This provides much needed context.

Here is how the summary looks in the edited resume:

An AWS certified cloud architect and security specialist of 6 years, operating in the postal and express delivery industries. Led a team of five to win the 2020 and 2021 Team Awards, as well as the 2021 Postmaster General Award. Skilled in Java, JavaScript, Bash, C#.

This one is a whole lot better!


Because it sounds believable.

There’s plenty of relevant and verifiable information about Aria’s professional career.

You don’t need to exaggerate. Just list your proudest achievements and quantify the outcomes of your work.

How to wow recruiters with your AWS resume experience section

Speaking of measuring one’s own success: the next task on your resume to-do list is the experience section.

But here’s the catch. You’re not here to recite your job description.

You see, most hiring managers have some semblance of what you do. After all, they’re the ones who have written the job ad requirements.

They’re searching for someone who can deliver results. So, grab recruiters’ attention by showing them what they will get, once they hire you.

2 AWS resume experience examples

Going back to Aria’s first resume draft, do you notice anything in particular?

Aria Graham
AWS Specialist
Armadillo Information Security Ltd.
Brooklyn, NY
IT company
  • Wrote 8+ Bash scripts.
  • Wrote a Java stock order monitoring system.
  • Set up a UiPath orchestrator in the AWS cloud.

Yes, you can say that this isn’t merely a to-do list of responsibilities. Aria has included the output of her work at Armadillo Information Security Ltd.

But these aren’t really the results hiring managers are looking for.

You need to talk business and show how your work will reap benefits for the company.


Start each bullet entry with an action verb and lead with data. Then, explain how you’ve tackled the specific business issue and which tools you’ve used to do this.

I’ll let Aria’s final resume version illustrate this point better:

Aria Graham
Senior AWS Solutions Architect
Armadillo Information Security Ltd.
Brooklyn, NY
A Brooklyn-based provider of information security solutions and consulting.
  • Decreased stuck orders by 90% during the Winter Holiday season after writing 8+ Bash scripts for various clients.
  • Improved stock management by 300% across 4 clients by writing a Java stock order monitoring system, which notifies warehouses of low stock levels.
  • Increased customer satisfaction by 139% by designing and writing several JavaScript front-end tests and hosting them on the AWS cloud.
  • Helped the HR teams reduce employee onboarding time by setting up a UiPath orchestrator in AWS and hosting a UiPath assistant on employees' computers.

It’s no wonder this AWS resume got Aria several callbacks!

Check out our guide on how to frame the experience section of your resume, if you feel like you need more tips.

How to balance out the skills section of your AWS resume

The skills section is always tricky for technical professionals.


Many often forget that their hard skills are only a part of what hiring managers are on the search for. Your social talents make up the second half of this equation.

Remember, resume real estate is valuable. So, don’t let one category of skills overcrowd the other.

Ultimately, you’ll be working with other people on human problems.

Be relevant, be specific and discard the unnecessary bits.

Describing your technical skills the right way

"Cloud is about how you do computing, not where you do computing."

Paul Maritz, CEO at VMware

In other words: your skill set defines the extent of your AWS abilities.

That’s why, when writing your resume, take into account to:

  • Think about important hard skills you haven’t had the chance to talk about yet.
  • Rank them by your level of expertise and include no more than ten.
  • Mix different types of tools, software, frameworks, languages and environments. Don’t forget to list the versions, too!
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84 key hard skills to list on your AWS resume:

  1. PaaS
  2. IaaS
  3. SaaS
  4. System administration
  5. Change management
  6. Software configuration management (SCM)
  7. Build and release management
  8. Process engineering
  9. Patching
  10. Configuration
  11. Deployment engineering
  12. Automation
  13. Cloud watch
  14. Cloud formation
  15. Security groups management
  16. Hybrid infrastructures
  17. Amazon EC2
  18. Elastic Beanstalk
  19. Elastic Block Storage
  20. Elastic File System
  21. Auto-Scaling
  22. Lambda
  23. Lightsat
  24. Amazon VPC
  25. AmazonRoute53
  26. Amazon CloudFront
  27. Amazon CloudWatch
  28. PuTTY
  29. AWS CLI for different types of OS
  30. AWS SDK
  31. BOTO SDK
  32. Eclipse
  33. CloudTrail
  34. AWS Shield
  35. AWS WAF
  36. AWS S3
  37. ELB
  38. IAM
  39. Amazon RDS
  40. Redshift
  41. DynamoDB
  42. Amazon Cognito
  43. AWS Macie
  44. AWS Chime
  45. Amazon Snowball
  46. AWS CloudHSM
  47. Machine learning
  48. NLP
  49. Microsoft Azure
  50. Microsoft Azure SQL Admin
  51. Exadata DB Administration
  52. Sybase DB Administration
  53. SQL Server DB Administration
  54. Oracle Database Administration
  55. Python
  56. Project Invoicing
  57. Project Finance
  58. MySQL DB Administration
  59. MS Project
  60. MS Project Server
  61. CI/CD
  62. Puppet (Puppet-based applications)
  63. Ansible
  64. Chef Enterprise
  65. ANT
  66. Maven
  67. Shell script
  68. Perl script
  69. Bash script
  70. UiPath
  71. GitLab
  72. Jenkins
  73. Nagios
  74. GitHub
  75. Java
  76. JavaScript
  77. Docker
  78. MySQL
  79. SQL
  80. Azure
  81. MongoDB
  82. Linux
  83. Windows
  84. Jira

How to flaunt your soft skills and get noticed by recruiters

This one is a bit trickier.


Because you’ll have to quantify your social abilities. It doesn’t sound easy, does it?

Don’t worry! Think about the experience section bullet entries. Apply the same logic to your soft skills.

As long as you tie your talents to measurable results, you got it.

Let’s go back one more time to Aria’s resume. Here is how she described her social abilities:

Won the 2010 Postmaster General Award as a part of a five-member programming team for designing, developing, setting up and hosting a parcel tracking monitoring system.
Resource management
Decreased budget leaks by 75% with the AWS Cost Management tools suite.
Willingness to learn
Currently pursuing an AWS Security Certificate in order to learn more about security and data protection, as well as be better prepared for future security emergencies.

Notice how Aria has linked her soft skills to her technical abilities. This is a good workaround, if you’re wondering how to provide measurable results.

Have a look at the table below to see which social talents are presently trending.

How important is the education section on your AWS resume?

A traditional education doesn’t have much to do with cloud computing.


This is because cloud computing is comparatively new. There are only a few providers for such environments. And each one has its own training and licensing program.

As such, an academic background is more relevant to the other technical skills you add to your AWS resume.

Unless you have a specialized degree in machine learning or cyber security. Or any general cloud computing knowledge because it's something you've explored before.

When it comes to AWS positions, you’ll need to get certified by Amazon.

With that in mind…

Which certificates should you include on your AWS resume?

Below you’ll find all the AWS certificates offered by Amazon, ordered by level of difficulty.

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Top 12 AWS must-have certificates for your resume:

  1. AWS Cloud Practitioner Certificate
  2. AWS Developer Certificate
  3. AWS Solutions Architect Certificate
  4. AWS SysOps Administrator Certificate
  5. AWS DevOps Engineer Certificate
  6. AWS Solutions Architect Certificate (Professional)
  7. AWS Advanced Networking Certificate
  8. AWS Data Analysis Certificate
  9. AWS Database Certificate
  10. AWS Machine Learning Certificate
  11. AWS Security Certificate
  12. AWS SAP on AWS Certificate

Naturally, if you’ve worked with other cloud computing environments - mention it. Especially if you have the certificates to show for it.

This way you will display a versatile skill set. And show you’re familiar with all industry standards and best practices.

Make sure your certificates are valid before including them in your resume.

What else can make your AWS resume stand out to hiring managers?

Depending on your level of expertise and your experience, you can also add:

  • Cover letter
  • Internships
  • Association memberships (For example: CCA, IASA, CNCF, CSC, NGI, etc.)
  • Volunteering
  • Publications
  • Certifications
  • Languages

Key factors to remember when writing your AWS resume

  • Choose the most suitable layout for your case
  • Remember to include an online portfolio in the header section
  • Be specific about the type of AWS work you can do
  • Create a balance between your soft and hard skills
  • Show the scope of your technical abilities, but prioritize
  • Display ability to work with other cloud computing environments, if possible
  • Quantify your skills and lead with data
  • Don’t forget to check the validity of your certificates

AWS resume examples

Explore additional aws resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

By Role

AWS Solutions Architect Resume

As an AWS Solutions Architect, your resume should display your experience with designing AWS architecture based on various business needs and using different AWS services. Detail your specific contributions to projects where you've created reliable, cost-effective, and expandable systems. Also, illustrate your familiarity with typical AWS services like EC2, S3, VPC, RDS, associating particular business outcomes to each using a 'skill-action-results' approach. Demonstrate your ability to write code in languages such as Python or Node.js, which supports your capacity to automate deployment and manage resources. Place emphasis on your experience with designing and establishing data center recovery systems to guarantee business continuity.

AWS Data Engineer Resume

As an AWS Data Engineer, you're tasked with designing, managing, and handling large data processing systems. Your resume should show your expertise with AWS Big Data tools like Redshift and Athena, while highlighting how you've used these to handle data processing for specific projects. Instead of simply stating your experience with databases, clarify how you've developed and optimized intricate SQL queries, mentioning its effects on system performance. Encourage any encounter with AI or machine learning as these add value to a data-oriented job. Provide clear examples of machine learning models or algorithms you've applied. It's also important to illustrate your team skills and your capacity to relay vital data insights to non-technical team members.

AWS Cloud Engineer Resume

An AWS Cloud Engineer Resume should display comprehensive cloud engineering knowledge including practical experiences with AWS compute, storage, network, and database services. It should underline scripting skills in Python, JavaScript or Perl with specific examples of improvement in cloud applications or processes. It should emphasize the ability to handle problems in distributed systems and maintain cloud platform stability. Inclusion of an AWS certification is important as it guarantees your expertise in cloud services to potential employers.

AWS Devops Resume

In your AWS Devops Resume, highlight your skills in software development methodologies such as Agile or Scrum and their integration with DevOps practices. Show your expertise in AWS DevOps tools like Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes by giving actual examples. Underscore your scripting skills in Python, Ruby or Shell and how they've enhanced development and operational procedures. Showcase projects where your knowledge of automation tools improved the development cycle to attract potential employers.

AWS Developer Resume

As an AWS Developer, your resume should clearly communicate your experience with important AWS technologies such as EC2, S3, Lambda and DynamoDB. It should indicate how you employed these technologies to design, deploy and manage applications. Your proficiency in scripting using Python, JAVA, or Ruby should be exhibited by providing relevant project examples. Your understanding of server-less application development, potentially through experiences with AWS Lambda, should be conveyed explicitly. If you possess any certifications, like the AWS Certified Developer Associate, mention it to validate and promote your skills.

AWS Cloud Practitioner Resume

Creating an effective AWS Cloud Practitioner Resume doesn't necessarily require extensive technical skills. Make sure to include any formal qualifications, such as your AWS Cloud Practitioner certification to demonstrate your knowledge of the AWS platform. Share examples from past projects to illustrate your understanding of AWS Cloud architecture and services. Mention your experience in overseeing AWS resources and tracking expenses. Lastly, don't forget to highlight soft skills like analytical thinking and your capacity to communicate technical concepts effectively.

AWS Lambda Resume

An AWS Lambda specialist resume should highlight experience in building serverless applications using AWS Lambda, knowledge in programming languages it supports like Node.js, Python, Java, and C#. It should also illustrate understanding of the AWS ecosystem, specifically how Lambda integrates with services like API Gateway, S3, and CloudFront. Any AWS certified developer certification would be a bonus for credibility.

AWS Testing Resume

As an AWS Testing professional, make sure your resume reflects your experience in using automation testing tools to test AWS applications. It's important to note your skills in programming languages like Python, Ruby, or Java, since writing scripts plays a big role in your job. Your understanding of AWS architecture and services, and your ability to use this knowledge in practical testing situations should also be evident. Finally, highlight your creative problem-solving skills, as being able to troubleshoot quickly is a key aspect of the role.
aws resume example

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Volen Vulkov
Volen Vulkov is a resume expert and the co-founder of Enhancv. He has written more than 500 resume guides and deep-dive articles on how to create your resume and cover letter, that inspire job applicants to make a resume to be proud of. His work has been featured in Forbes, Zendesk, HubSpot, and Business Insider, and cited by top universities and educational institutions, like Thunderbird School of Management, Rochester University, University of Miami, and Udemy. Volen applies his deep knowledge and practical experience to write about career changes, development, and how to stand out in the job application process.
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