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5 Airline Pilot Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your airline pilot resume must highlight your vast experience in aviation. It should clearly outline the total flight hours you've accumulated. Make sure your resume showcases any aircraft type ratings you hold. Do not forget to include your up-to-date certifications such as your Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) commercial pilot license.

All resume examples in this guide

One specific resume challenge you, as an airline pilot, might encounter is effectively showcasing the breadth of your aviation experience and flight hours to potential employers. Our guide can provide you with tailored strategies to highlight your unique qualifications and competencies, ensuring your resume stands out in a competitive job market.

Here's what you'll read within our professional resume guide:
  • airline pilot resumes that are tailored to the role are more likely to catch recruiters' attention.
  • Most sought-out airline pilot skills that should make your resume.
  • Styling the layout of your professional resume: take a page from airline pilot resume examples.

How to write about your airline pilot achievements in various resume sections (e.g. summary, experience, and education).

Simple guide to your airline pilot resume format and layout

Successful airline pilot resumes all have one specific characteristic - candidates have invested in a simple resume layout . One that is easy to read, makes a good first impression, and is adapted to their professional experience. There are three distinct resume formats to help you focus on your:

  • professional experience - use the reverse-chronological resume format;
  • skills and achievements - via the functional skill-based resume format;
  • both experience and skills - with a hybrid resume format .

What is more, keep in mind that your resume may be initially assessed by the ATS (Applicant Tracker System) (or the software used by companies in the hiring process). The airline pilot resumes that suit the ATS:

  • have a header that includes either a role keyword or the job you're applying for;
  • should be no longer than two pages;
  • be submitted as PDF, unless specified otherwise.

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The more time and effort you've put into obtaining the relevant certificate, the closer to the top it should be listed. This is especially important for more senior roles and if the company you're applying for is more forward-facing.

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Essential sections that should make up your airline pilot resume include:

  • The header - with your contact details (e.g. email and telephone number), link to your portfolio, and headline
  • The summary (or objective) - to spotlight the peaks of your professional career, so far
  • The experience section - with up to six bullets per role to detail specific outcomes
  • The skills list - to provide a healthy mix between your personal and professional talents
  • The education and certification - showing your most relevant degrees and certificates to the airline pilot role
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What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Flight Hours: Total and specific aircraft type hours
  • Aviation Certifications: Pilot's license, type ratings, instrument rating, etc.
  • Medical Certification: Class of medical certification and validity
  • Flight Experience: Roles, responsibilities, and flight duties previously held
  • Safety Record: Incident/accident-free history and safety training completions

The experience section or the essence of your professional airline pilot resume

Recruiters always have and always will appreciate well-written airline pilot resume experience sections.

The experience section is perhaps the most crucial element of your professional presentation, as it needs to answer job requirements while showcasing your technical expertise and personality.

Create your best resume experience section yet by:

  • Selecting only relevant experience items to the role you're applying for;
  • Always ensure you've listed a metric to quantify your success alongside each experience item;
  • Create a narrative that showcases your airline pilot career succession: this goes to show the time and effort you've invested in the field to build your experience from the ground up;
  • Within each experience bullet, consider a problem you've solved, the skills you've used, and the bigger impact this has made in the organization.

Take a look at how other real-life professionals have curated their experience with the airline pilot samples below:

Work Experience
Senior Airline Captain
Delta Air Lines
  • Executed over 300 successful international flights with a focus on optimizing fuel consumption, saving an estimated 5% annually on fuel costs.
  • Maintained impeccable safety records by adhering to strict FAA regulations and company protocols during pre-flight, in-flight, and post-flight operations.
  • Acted as a Captain on the Boeing 777, managing a crew of 10-15 and ensuring excellent service and comfort for up to 350 passengers per flight.
Work Experience
Commercial Airline Pilot
United Airlines
  • Piloted a diverse range of aircraft, including Airbus A320 and Boeing 737, demonstrating adaptability and expertise across different technological platforms.
  • Contributed to a 20% improvement in on-time departures through meticulous flight planning and efficient crew coordination.
  • Championed a company-wide initiative to enhance in-flight customer experience, leading to a 10% increase in customer satisfaction ratings.
Work Experience
First Officer
American Airlines
  • Guided flights through complex airspaces, maintaining a perfect safety record during my tenure with the airline.
  • Conducted over 1500 hours of flight time, gaining extensive experience in various meteorological conditions and honing decision-making skills.
  • Assisted in the development and implementation of an improved pilot training program that increased first-time pass rates by 15%.
Work Experience
Regional Airline Pilot
Alaska Airlines
  • Operated regional flights with focus on Southeast Asia, enhancing cultural competence and communication skills with a diverse passenger base.
  • Played a key role in emergency procedures revision, culminating in more efficient emergency responses during simulations.
  • Promoted a culture of safety and responsibility, influencing peers to prioritize adherence to protocol.
Work Experience
Airline Pilot
JetBlue Airways
  • Successfully completed over 500 domestic flights, prominently contributing to the airline's reputation for reliability and punctuality.
  • Instrumental in the integration of new navigation software, improving overall route efficiency by 12%.
  • Facilitated cross-departmental collaboration to streamline flight operations, leading to a 5% reduction in turnaround times.
Work Experience
Experienced Airline Pilot
Southwest Airlines
  • Pioneered the use of advanced avionics in the cockpit, enhancing navigation accuracy and aircraft performance monitoring.
  • Managed critical incidents with a focus on passenger safety, resolving technical issues with no disruptions to the flight schedule.
  • Served as a mentor to junior pilots, providing guidance on career progression and skills development.
Work Experience
Chief Pilot
British Airways
  • Led a team of pilots in a comprehensive review of standard operating procedures, significantly reducing the risk of human error.
  • Achieved a 97% customer satisfaction rate by ensuring smooth flight experiences and timely communication with passengers during delays.
  • Conducted international flights to multiple continents, navigating complex intercontinental air traffic and customs regulations.
Work Experience
Airline Transport Pilot
Spirit Airlines
  • Flew extensively throughout North America, developing in-depth knowledge of FAA regional regulations and guidelines.
  • Collaborated with the maintenance team to reduce aircraft downtime by 10%, directly impacting operational efficiency.
  • Regularly engaged in charity flights, providing transportation for medical patients and contributing to corporate social responsibility efforts.
Work Experience
Flight Deck Commander
Virgin Atlantic
  • Responded effectively to in-flight emergencies, maintaining professional composure and making rapid decisions to ensure passenger and crew safety.
  • Instrumental in fuel-saving initiatives through strategic flight planning and the adoption of cost-efficient flight paths, saving the airline an estimated $500,000 annually.
  • Implemented new CRM techniques among the crew, fostering a collaborative environment and improving team communication.
Work Experience
Airline Chief Pilot
  • Orchestrated the training and development of new pilots, boosting their skill sets and readiness for commercial flights significantly.
  • Designed and rolled out an innovative in-flight entertainment system that enhanced passenger experience and garnered positive feedback.
  • Engaged in proactive risk management by consistently updating knowledge on international aviation policies and adapting flight operations accordingly.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Highlight total flight hours to demonstrate extensive experience and dedication to the profession.
  • Specify the number of aircraft types you are certified to fly to indicate versatility and adaptability.
  • Detail the number of successful flights completed to showcase reliability and a track record of safety.
  • List the total number of crewmembers led on flights to reflect leadership and team management skills.
  • Mention the number of passengers transported to illustrate customer service experience and responsibility for safety.
  • Include the number of international destinations served to show global experience and cultural adaptability.
  • Indicate the amount of emergency situations handled to emphasize problem-solving and crisis management abilities.
  • Detail any reductions in fuel consumption or cost savings initiatives led to exhibit a commitment to efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Action verbs for your airline pilot resume

Action verbs will make your airline pilot resume sound relevant and professional. They will also help you make a strong first impression. Make sure to use them whenever possible!
Read The Guide

Guide for airline pilot professionals kicking off their career

Who says you can't get that airline pilot job, even though you may not have that much or any experience? Hiring managers have a tendency to hire the out-of-the-blue candidate if they see role alignment. You can show them why you're the best candidate out there by:

  • Selecting the functional skill-based or hybrid formats to spotlight your unique value as a professional
  • Tailoring your airline pilot resume to always include the most important requirements, found towards the top of the job ad
  • Substituting the lack of experience with other relevant sections like achievements, projects, and research
  • Pinpoint both achievements and how you see yourself within this specific role in the airline pilot resume objective.
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Mention specific courses or projects that are pertinent to the job you're applying for.

How to showcase hard skills and soft skills on your resume

Reading between the lines of your dream job, you find recruiters are looking for candidates who have specific software or hardware knowledge, and personal skills.

Any technology you're adept at shows your hard skills. This particular skill set answers initial job requirements, hinting at how much time your potential employers would have to invest in training you. Showcase you have the relevant technical background in your communicate, solve problems, and adapt to new environments. Basically, your interpersonal communication skills that show recruiters if you'd fit into the team and company culture. You could use the achievements section to tie in your greatest wins with relevant soft skills.

It's also a good idea to add some of your hard and soft skills across different resume sections (e.g. summary/objective, experience, etc.) to match the job requirements and pass the initial screening process. Remember to always check your skill spelling and ensure that you've copy-pasted the name of the desired skills from the job advert as is.

Top skills for your airline pilot resume:

Aircraft navigation

Weather analysis

Aircraft systems operation

Flight planning

Air traffic control communication

Emergency procedures

Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) knowledge

Instruments reading

Performance calculations

Crew resource management




Situational awareness



Stress management


Attention to detail


Time management

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If the certificate you've obtained is especially vital for the industry or company, include it as part of your name within the resume headline.

Maximizing your airline pilot resume: education and certification sections

To effectively showcase your industry knowledge in your airline pilot resume, it's important to properly list your education and certifications.

For the education section, ensure you include:

  • Higher education degrees pertinent to the industry or those at a postgraduate level;
  • The start and end dates of your education, along with the name of the institution you graduated from;
  • Your GPA and relevant coursework, but only if they are impressive and applicable to the role.

Additionally, create a separate certifications section to spotlight your most notable recognitions. Another excellent place to feature a leading industry certificate is in your resume header, right after your name.

Below is a list of key industry certifications that are often sought after by recruiters

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The top 5 certifications for your airline pilot resume:

  1. Private Pilot License (PPL) - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
  2. Commercial Pilot License (CPL) - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
  3. Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
  4. Type Rating (specific to aircraft) - Varies by aircraft manufacturer
  5. Flight Instructor Certificate (CFI) - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
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If you happen to have some basic certificates, don't invest too much of your airline pilot resume real estate in them. Instead, list them within the skills section or as part of your relevant experience. This way you'd ensure you meet all job requirements while dedicating your certificates to only the most in-demand certification across the industry.

Airline Pilot resume summary or objective? The best choice is based on your experience

If you're wondering about the relevancy of the resume summary or the resume objective to your Airline Pilot application - here's the truth.

The summary and objective provide recruiters with your expertise and accomplishments at a glance, within an up-to-five-sentence structure.

The difference is that the:

  • Resume objective is also more focused on emphasizing your career goals. The objective is the perfect fit for (potentially more junior) candidates who'd like to balance their relevant experience with their career goals.
  • Resume summary can provide you with space to also detail the unique value of what it's like to work with you. Airline Pilot candidates who have many noteworthy accomplishments start from the get-go with their summary.

Ensure that either type of resume introduction presents your Airline Pilot expertise in the best light and aligns it with the job advert.

The more details you can provide with numbers, the more compelling your resume summary or objective will be.

Real-world Airline Pilot candidates follow these frameworks in writing their resume summaries and objectives.

The end results are usually as such:

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Resume summaries for a airline pilot job

  • Highly experienced Airline Captain with over 15 years of dedicated service in the aviation industry. Adept at operating Boeing 777 and Airbus A320 families with a strong emphasis on safety and efficiency. Recognized with the prestigious Flight Safety Award for outstanding flight operations and zero safety incidents for five consecutive years.
  • Seasoned First Officer with 10 years of piloting experience on international routes, specialized in leveraging advanced navigation systems including GPS and FMS. Excelled in high-pressure situations, evidenced by a commendation for adept handling of an in-flight emergency ensuring passenger safety and aircraft integrity.
  • Accomplished software engineer seeking to leverage a decade of technical expertise and analytic skills into a pilot career following the successful completion of commercial pilot training and attaining a CPL license. Proven ability to adapt and master complex systems, seeking to apply problem-solving talents in aviation.
  • Distinguished military helicopter pilot transitioning to commercial aviation with over 12 years of experience in challenging environments. Skilled in multi-crew coordination and aircraft maintenance supervision, pursuing a new path where rigorous training and discipline will augment airline operations.
  • Recent flight school graduate with a fresh commercial pilot’s license, eager to begin a career in aviation. Objective: To demonstrate an unfaltering commitment to passenger safety and cultivate superior flying skills while contributing energetic service to an established airline.
  • Dynamic individual with a passion for aviation and freshly minted FAA certifications, aiming to secure a First Officer position. Objective: To apply a rigorous work ethic and quick-learning abilities in mastering aircraft systems and furthering the airline's reputation for excellence in customer service and safety.

Miscellaneous airline pilot resume sections for a more personalized approach

Your airline pilot resume can reflect even more upon your personality and best qualities - that is if you decide on including a couple of additional resume sections to support your application.

Some of the best-accepted industry-wide choices include the:

Key takeaways

Securing your ideal job starts with crafting a compelling airline pilot resume. It should not only highlight your professional strengths but also reflect your personality. Key aspects to remember include:

  • Choose a clear, easily editable format, allowing more time to focus on the content of your resume;
  • Emphasize experience relevant to the job, focusing on your impact on the team;
  • Opt for a resume summary if you have extensive professional experience, and a resume objective if you're just starting out;
  • Include technical skills in the skills section and interpersonal skills in the achievements section;
  • Recognize the importance of various resume sections (e.g., My Time, Projects) in showcasing both your professional abilities and personal traits.
airline pilot resume example

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Volen Vulkov
Volen Vulkov is a resume expert and the co-founder of Enhancv. He has written more than 500 resume guides and deep-dive articles on how to create your resume and cover letter, that inspire job applicants to make a resume to be proud of. His work has been featured in Forbes, Zendesk, HubSpot, and Business Insider, and cited by top universities and educational institutions, like Thunderbird School of Management, Rochester University, University of Miami, and Udemy. Volen applies his deep knowledge and practical experience to write about career changes, development, and how to stand out in the job application process.
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