
30 Most Common Job Interview Questions

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Learn the ins and outs of answering the most grilling questions during a job interview. We’ve picked the 30 most common questions and our career counselors give you an in-depth look into what a “correct” answer is.

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Wether you’re changing jobs to get a pay increase or you’re searching for one because you lost your previous occupation you’ll have to survive a job interview. Now, we recognize that at times job interviews are uncomfortable.

Some questions make no sense. Other questions are borderline awkward to answer. What do you say to “Why do you want this job?”

Uhmm… to buy food and not starve, thanks. 👀

Of course, there are job interview questions that are perfectly fine – you just have to give the recruiter sitting in front of you an okay answer. That’s why we’ve compiled the 30 most common job interview questions people get asked on job interviews and we give you the answers to each and every one of them.

The Most Common Job Interview Questions – Answered

What do you like least about your job?

Recruiters ask you this question because they want to better understand your reasoning behind leaving your job.

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Tell me about yourself.

This question is all about you, so don’t be afraid to give a more personal answer rather than keeping things strictly professional.

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Why are you applying for this position?

This question is really the hiring manager’s way to learn a bit more about you. Be honest and straightforward with your answer.

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What are your strengths and weaknesses?

A tricky question, try to answer it by tying your strengths and weaknesses to the job you’re applying for.

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What do you know about our company?

Show that you’ve done the research about the place you’re applying at. It’s not about telling their story since founding – it’s about being prepared.

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Why should we hire you?

Prove that you’re confident in your skills and pitch yourself as the best person for the job. Address any potential issues the business might face.

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What is your greatest accomplishment?

Show what you stand for and your work ethic – this job interview question is meant to challenge you. Focus on real-life examples of your work and your results.

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What are your strengths?

Are your strengths in sync with this job – answer this question honestly and give concrete examples, not vague ones like “communication”.

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What are your compensation expectations?

Employers ask this question so they can better understand what you’re expecting as a salary and so they can understand whether or not they can afford you.

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Do you have any questions for me?

This interview question is your opportunity to show the recruiter that you’re really invested into the job interview and that you want to ask thoughtful questions.

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What are you looking for in a new position?

All the interviewer wants to know by asking you this questions is whether or not you’re a good match for the company.

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Are you interviewing with other companies?

When you’re asked if you’re interviewing at other companies the recruiter wants to know if you have any other potential offers and more – they’re most likely interested in hiring you.

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Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

It’s all about the recruiter and their understanding of how you want to grow your career in the next five years. Highlight your interests and be honest about your expectations.

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Why have you changed jobs so frequently?

This is a tricky question as the recruiter is most likely interested to learn whether or not you’re job-hopping. No company wants to hire someone who’ll quit in a year.

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Why do you want to change your career path?

This question has everything to do with your certainty that your new career path will be one that you’ll enjoy and be happy in.

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Why did you decide to leave your previous/current job?

The key is to always be honest – thoroughly explain what made you leave your past or current job and try to seem like you’re not job hopping every 7 months for the paycheck bump.

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Why is there a gap in your work experience?

Gaps in employment are often, but they’re hard to explain. The one rule you should always follow is to make sure you’re 100% honest in your answer.

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What to say in an interview if you were fired from your previous job?

Try to incorporate your hobbies into how they help you be better at your job – for example, team sports make you a better team player when it comes to working.

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How would your coworkers describe you?

This question is a modified version of telling your strengths and weaknesses as it’s usually easier for people to answer.

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What questions can an employer ask about your health?

A set of questions clarifying the mystery around what an employer can and cannot ask you regarding your health.

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What will you do in the first 30/60/90 days?

Employers ask this question to better understand how you’re going to transition to this new position. It also helps them picture you better in that position.

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Are you a risk taker?

This tricky question is tied up to the position you’re applying for – whether you’re a risk taker or not, answer accordingly for the position you’re applying.

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What are your hobbies?

Try to tie in your hobbies and interests in a way that they help you be better at your job. For example, team sports often make you a better team player.

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What type of work environment do you prefer?

It’s important for companies to hire people that fit the team and company culture – this question is just as important to you as it is to them.

Are you a team player?

Can you sacrifice personal gains for team ones? If you’re applying for a position that requires you to be a collaborative colleague you can be sure you’ll be asked this.

How do you handle stress?

The interviewer is asking you behavioral questions because they want to know how you perform under stressful work situations.

What do you think this company could do better?

This is the best way to show initiative on your side – every company can improve, what can you suggest on a first glance?

Preparing for a Job Interview – Frequently Asked Questions

Sometimes the interviewer will go a lot more in-depth with the questions during the job interview questions. Explore our in-depth guides on position-specific job interview questions below!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the top 10 job interview questions?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • What are you looking for in a new position?
  • How would your coworkers/manager describe you?
  • What are your salary expectations?
  • Tell me a bit about yourself.
  • Are you interviewing with other companies?
  • Why did you decide to leave your previous job?
  • What makes you the right person for this position?
Should I prepare beforehand for an interview?
Yes – the best way to prepare for a job interview is to get a career counselor to help you. There are mock interviews that are specifically tailored to the job you’re applying for. Schedule a mock interview with the Enhancv Career Counseling team.
How do I know if I did good on a job interview?
You can’t know that unless you’ve got the job offer on the spot. But, keep in mind that most job interview processes take two to three different interviews before you ever reach the job offer stage. Instead, know that if you really did that bad at an interview – you'll know for sure.