Exploring the history of the resumes around the world clearly shows that there are a lot of differences in the format candidates use to find the desired job.
Since technology has transformed almost everything online and our communication has become mainly digital, people started aiming higher for their career by applying to work abroad.
This is why we have summed up the most important information about resumes around the world in the form of an infographic, to bring you the best insights on how to present yourself and your professional and educational experiences according to the national standards of 6 continents.
We hope the infographic on resumes around the world was helpful! Stay tuned for our next project on the history of job search.
In case you are looking for the most creative, automized template to use in North & South America, Europe, Asia, Australia or Africa, Enhancv will help you get the job that will change your life!
Looking for more inspiration? Check out our resume examples section that got people hired at their dream jobs.
Make one that's truly you.