His sales account manager resume got him great job in 45 days

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Pub: 4/4/2017
Upd: 10/21/2024
6 min read

Enhanced Lives is a series which aims to put our customers in the spotlight. In a short interview, we ask about their background, the experience they had with Enhancv and how it helped to improve their career.

Our sixth star is Joshua, a passionate entrepreneur and risk taker who found his dream position as a sales account manager in an innovative Startup. How did Enhancv help him with that? Read on to find out!

Hi Joshua, can you tell us a bit about yourself?

joshua resume

I’m a fairly young professional but have had an exciting journey up to this point. I’ve been extremely fortunate to successfully challenge the value of education vs. true application. i.e. Graduating HS at 16 in Virginia, went straight to college in Minnesota but decided to go apply my knowledge as an Intelligence Analyst in the U.S. Air Force. After serving I took my passion for technology and web development to a startup in the Pacific Northwest where I was a top-performing Solutions (Sales) Engineer at 21. It was there I was able to found and begin development of my startup Wistly — an SMS, AI-based personal assistant to build healthy habits. We’re in the process of applying to incubator programs and seeking Seed funding.

After a pretty adventurous start to life, my wife and I decided we wanted to plant our roots closer to the family; deciding to build a house out here near Jacksonville, Florida with high hopes we could find career continuation to support it.

In Florida, I secured my new position within 45 days thanks to my awesome resume with Enhancv. I’m now an Account Manager at an innovative startup called OpenNest which works on really large initiatives and projects to build strategic growth with a 10x mindset. We’re working with brands like Summit Powder Mountain.

What was the reason you created your resume?

I needed it for new job applications. My old one was in Word and slightly design-focused. I wanted to revamp and spruce it up.

What do you like about Enhancv? Did you learn anything from it?

Enhancv’s UI is ridiculously easy and flexible. It’s the only tool online that gives a “millennial-worthy” resume without the cheap, non-applicable “templates.” The balance between style, content, and function is just stunning. I’ve been on many hiring committees and an Enhancv resume will always catch my eye. It’s clean and minimal.

I learned that changing the visuals (i.e. the skills section on my resume) creates a really clean effect that nicely breaks up the text flow. I also enjoyed the Projects section. It’s a really nice way for a startup entrepreneur, like myself, to disclose my ownership & interest in a professional, non-confrontational way.

What message would you send to other job seekers out there?"?

I think my advice would be best geared towards young professionals. As education curriculum gets pushed further & further down the ranks, a graduates degree becomes increasingly more popular, and decreasingly valuable. Due to this, many employers (especially those in the startup world) are becoming hyper-focused on the application, the ability to grind, and culture fit.

10 years ago having education on your resume was how you opened the door. Today, it’s merely an afterthought. Many of the committees I’ve sat on never considered it at all (there’s clearly an exception to everything—hard to be a scientist without a degree).

Long story short, find different ways to stand out and truly be an expert in your field. Enhancv will get you the call, it’s your job to blow them away with your story.

I would like to thank Joshua for sharing his experience with us. It means a lot and we hope it will motivate many others to get started and upgrade to more human-centric and performance-based resumes.

If you’d like to contribute to Enhanced Lives series and share your achievements with others, send me a message. I look forward to hearing from you 🙂Enhanced Lives is a series which aims to put our customers in the spotlight. In a short interview, we ask about their background, the experience they had with Enhancv and how it helped to improve their career.

Our sixth star is Joshua, a passionate entrepreneur and risk taker who found his dream position as a sales account manager in an innovative Startup. How did Enhancv help him with that? Read on to find out!

Hi Joshua, can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I’m a fairly young professional but have had an exciting journey up to this point. I’ve been extremely fortunate to successfully challenge the value of education vs. true application. i.e. Graduating HS at 16 in Virginia, went straight to college in Minnesota but decided to go apply my knowledge as an Intelligence Analyst in the U.S. Air Force. After serving I took my passion for technology and web development to a startup in the Pacific Northwest where I was a top-performing Solutions (Sales) Engineer at 21. It was there I was able to found and begin development of my startup Wistly — an SMS, AI-based personal assistant to build healthy habits. We’re in the process of applying to incubator programs and seeking Seed funding.

After a pretty adventurous start to life, my wife and I decided we wanted to plant our roots closer to the family; deciding to build a house out here near Jacksonville, Florida with high hopes we could find career continuation to support it.

In Florida, I secured my new position within 45 days thanks to my awesome resume with Enhancv. I’m now an Account Manager at an innovative startup called OpenNest which works on really large initiatives and projects to build strategic growth with a 10x mindset. We’re working with brands like Summit Powder Mountain.

What was the reason you created your resume?

I needed it for new job applications. My old one was in Word and slightly design-focused. I wanted to revamp and spruce it up.

What do you like about Enhancv? Did you learn anything from it?

Enhancv’s UI is ridiculously easy and flexible. It’s the only tool online that gives a “millennial-worthy” resume without the cheap, non-applicable “templates.” The balance between style, content, and function is just stunning. I’ve been on many hiring committees and an Enhancv resume will always catch my eye. It’s clean and minimal.

I learned that changing the visuals (i.e. the skills section on my resume) creates a really clean effect that nicely breaks up the text flow. I also enjoyed the Projects section. It’s a really nice way for a startup entrepreneur, like myself, to disclose my ownership & interest in a professional, non-confrontational way.

joshua resume

What message would you send to other job seekers out there?

I think my advice would be best geared towards young professionals. As education curriculum gets pushed further & further down the ranks, a graduates degree becomes increasingly more popular, and decreasingly valuable. Due to this, many employers (especially those in the startup world) are becoming hyper-focused on the application, the ability to grind, and culture fit.

10 years ago having education on your resume was how you opened the door. Today, it’s merely an afterthought. Many of the committees I’ve sat on never considered it at all (there’s clearly an exception to everything—hard to be a scientist without a degree).

Long story short, find different ways to stand out and truly be an expert in your field. Enhancv will get you the call, it’s your job to blow them away with your story.

I would like to thank Joshua for sharing his experience with us. It means a lot and we hope it will motivate many others to get started and upgrade to more human-centric and performance-based resumes.

If you’d like to contribute to Enhanced Lives series and share your achievements with others, send me a message. I look forward to hearing from you 🙂

Make your move!
Your resume is an extension of yourself.
Make one that's truly you.
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Tatiana Rehmova
A glass half-full kind of a girl and a believer that everything happens for a reason. Loves writing, editing and researching the newest ways of doing things.
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